Westerlo visitor attractions and facilities

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Like all of the Albany hill towns, Westerlo is an area of pastoral natural beauty: scenic farmlands, distant vistas of the Catskill Mountains, steams, water falls, and forest land.

Lake Onderdonk
Eric Chamberlain, October 2009


Reserves and outdoor recreation

  • Bear Swamp was designated a Registered National Natural Landmark by the Department of Interior in 1973. Bear Swamp itself dates from 13,000 years ago, with the retreat of the last glacier. The rhododendron at Bear Swamp are a relic stand, the northernmost in New York State.
  • Westerlo Town Park - has playing fields, a pavilion, picnic tables and toilets.
  • Other Hilltown Trails.

Water recreation

Onderdonk Lake - is there public access??

Farms and farm activities

Photo courtesy of Eight Mile Creek Farm
  • Bee & Ewe Farm - Wholesale honey. Yarn and blankets made with farm raised wool. 76 Stewart Rd.; Tel. (518) 765-2326.
  • Eight Mile Creek Farm - Unusual varieties of certified organic fruits, vegetables and herbs in season, certified organic eggs year round, grass-fed organic beef We have a CSA,[1] sell at local farmers' markets, to food cooperatives, as well as direct from our farm. Call ahead daily for requests and seasonal availability. Will harvest fresh for your arrival. Produce may also be purchased on line for home delivery through the Heldeberg Market. Pamela McSweeney, 40 Johnny Cake Hill Road, Westerlo; Tel. 518-966-5468.
  • Elderberry Mary - jams and jellies, 217 Lake Rd., Berne, NY 12023; Elderberry Mary
  • Golden Acres Farm - Beef cattle. 756 NYS Route 143; (518) 797-3021.
  • Heldeberg Market - makes available fresh hilltown produce from many of the hilltown farms delivered weekly to your door. Sarah Gordon. 669-3447.
  • Milner Farm - 1-year-old Blank Angus / Hereford cross cows available in the Spring. Square and Round Bale Hay. Jack Milner. Tel. (518) 797-3400.
  • Weston Hill Farm and Boarding Kennels - Registered Border Cheviot and Registered Shetland Sheep; quality fleeces , wool products and delicious meat; registered breeding stock and freezer lambs. Eileen creates fiber sculptures from the fiber her flock of sheep produce. We also raise herbs, make potpourris and all things floral, keep bees and sell honey , beeswax ornaments and candles. Patrick & Eileen Testo, 133 Route 412; Tel. (518) 797-9252. Weston Hill Sheep Farm


  1. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) - a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a "membership" or a "subscription") and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.

Historic buildings and sites

Historic buildings, (other than public buildings and those listed under "Visitor facilities"), may not be open to the public, and may just be viewed from the road. Please respect the privacy of the owners and occupants. (to be written)


One room schools

Businesses and organizations



Historic cemeteries and family burying grounds

The following historic cemeteries and family burying grounds are easily accessible and are maintained. There are many more that are abandoned and overgrown.

  • (to be written)


Visitor facilities

Visitor facilities in Westerlo and nearby towns.

Something to eat

  • Casa Mia's - Pizza. Route 85; Tel. (518) 872-0378.
  • China Wok - Bryants Country Sq, Greenville; Tel. (518) 966-5588.
  • June's Place - 2082 Delaware Turnpike Rte. 85, Clarksville; Tel. (518) 768-2398.
  • P & L Deli - Convenience store & Italian gourmet deli, Westerlo hamlet; Tel. (518) 797-3233.
  • M & B's Stop & Shop - Convenience store & gas station, Rte. 85; Tel. (518) 872-0701.
  • Sisters Two, 585 State Route 143, Westerlo; Tel. (518) 797-3026.
  • Shell Inn - Family dining. 4520 State Route 85; Tel. (518) 797-9682.
  • Sophia's Pizza - Route 32, Greenville; Tel. (518) 966-4040.
  • Westerlo General Store - Convenience store, deli and gas station, Rte. 143, Westerlo hamlet; Tel. (518) 797-3601.
  • Vince Anna's - Italian restaurant, 185 Creamery Rd, Greenville; Tel. (518) 966-8892.
  • See also suggestions for something to eat in the nearby hill towns:
Berne visitor attractions and facilities
Rensselaerville visitor attractions and facilities

Places to stay

(to be added when there are some).
  • For places to stay in adjoining hill towns:
Rensselaerville visitor attractions and facilities.
Berne visitor attractions and facilities.

For something special

(to be written)

Adjoining Hilltowns

Farms, natural areas, outdoor recreation opportunities, and visitor facilities in adjoining hill towns:

Photo Gallery

Images showing the beauty of the Westerlo country side.

Please upload additional images.


Proposals for enhancing farms, natural areas, outdoor recreation opportunities and visitor facilities in the hill towns: