Barber, Hazel Estella
Hazel Estella Barber was born in the Town of Westerlo April 26, 1895, daughter of the late Anson Barber and Emma Knowles Barber.
Marriage & Children
Hazel Barber married Clifford Beman Hannay. Their children were:
- George A. Hannay, Westerlo
- Dwight C. Hannay
- Frances Hannay
Hazel Estella Barber Hannay, aged 73, Westerlo, wife of the late Clifford B. Hannay, died in Albany Medical Center hospital Jan. 30 (1969).

Mrs. Hazel E. Hannay, aged 73, Westerlo, wife of the late Clifford B. Hannay, died in Albany Medical Center hospital Jan. 30 (1969).
Mrs. Hannay was born in the Town of Westerlo April 26, 1895, daughter of the late Anson and Emma Knowles Barber. She was a member and for many years benevolent treasurer of the First Baptist church of Westerlo and a member of the National Association of Evangelicals. Mrs. Hannay was a dedicated Christian and her benevolence was known no only in her own community but around the world.
Funeral service was held Feb. 1 at 2 p.m. at the first Baptist church, with Rev. Douglas Nelson, pastor, officiating, assisted by Dr. Vernon Grounds, president of the Conservative Baptist Seminary, Denver, Colo., and Dr. Roy Watson, field representative of the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission society, Wheaton, Ill.
Surviving are one son, George A. Hannay, Westerlo; seven grand-children, Roger A., David G., Ruth C., Sarah D., and Robert D. Hannay. Mrs Carol Guilzon and Mrs. Deborah A. VanDerMolen; and several cousins. A son and daughter, Dwight C. Hannay and Frances Hannay, pre-deceased her.
In lieu of flowers, contributions are being made to the memorial fund of the First Baptist church, Westerlo, Roger A. Nannay, treasurer, Westerlo.
Spring interment will be made in the Westerlo Rural cemetery, under direction of the Cunningham Funeral Home, Greenville.
- Altamont Enterprise - February 7, 1969
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