Alverson, Leonard

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Leonard Alverson was born on August 21, 1808, in Berne to Issac Alverson and his wife, Sarah ________.


Leonard was a Deacon.[1]

Marriage & Children

Leonard married Elizabeth Wilber circa 1832, and they had seven known children born at Huntersland:

His Life

Leonard was reared on a farm in Duanesburg, N. Y.
He learned the blacksmith's trade, which he subsequently followed in Berne, not far from Hunter's Land. In Berne he afterward settled on a farm, and also carried on a grocery store and conducted a hotel, being very popular as a landlord.
In politics he was a sound Democrat. He served as Assessor of Berne and as Supervisor, and for a number of years he was a Deacon of the Christian church.
He subsequently purchased a farm in Hunter's Land, on which he engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death, at the age of sixty-five years.
He married Elizabeth Cutter, or, as she was familiarly known in her girlhood, Betsey Wilbur, who was born in Duanesburg, a daughter of Esquire Wilbur. Her father was a well-to-do farmer and an expert fox hunter. He reared four children, namely: Sarah, wife of Seth Owens; William B.; Elizabeth, Mrs. Alverson, deceased; and Joseph W.[2]


Leonard died in February 17, 1874 at 65 years of age. He was buried in Huntersland Christian Cemetery in Huntersland.


Additional Research Notes

Additional Media


  1. Obituary of Elizabeth Alverson, Published in The Middleburgh News, April 21, 1898
  2. Biographical Review Volume XXXIIIContaining Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York