Tallman, Salem M.

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Salem M. Tallman


Salem M. Tallman was born on February 12, 1836, in Huntersland. He was the first of twelve children born to Jonathan Tallman and Caroline Bouton.

Marriage & Children

Salem married Salina Lounsbury, a daughter of Daniel D. Lounsbury, on February 14, 1866. The Valentine's Day ceremony took place in the U.S. Post Office in Medusa. About a year and a half later, in 1867, Salem and Salina had their only child, Fletcher D. Tallman. Salina died shortly after his birth in 1868. Salem never remarried.

Life Events

Salem grew up in Huntersland working on father's farm. In 1860, when he was 21 years old he moved out and worked on a farm and living with the Reeves family in nearby Rensselaerville. Salem lived in Falls Village, Litchfield Co., CT from 1864 until early 1866. During the Civil War, wool from the Lounsbury - Tallman farm in Rensselaerville was used in the manufacture of uniforms for the Union soldiers.[1]


In addition to being a farmer and laborer, Salem also operated a cider and saw mill on the property of Charles D. Griffen on Ten Mile Creek in Rensselaerville. His son, Fletcher, would later take over the mill in 1879 and eventually purchase it.


  • Salem's purchased property on Peasley Rd Lot 397 from his mother, Caroline, following his father's death.


Like many people Salem kept a diaries of daily happenings. His diaries have been transcribed and are available to read and print.


Salem died on September 16, 1917, in Medusa, at 81 years of age. The cause of his death was entero colitis. He was buried in Medusa Cemetery.

Additional Media


  1. Helderberg Lounsbury's, Gertrude Miller & Marie Lounsbury, 1982

Tuthill, Nathan

Military Service

Revolutionary War soldier per a plaque by the Mohawk Chapter of the D.A.R. on his grave.[1]


Died July 23, 1815, aged 43 years.[2]


Buried Brookside Cemetery, Preston Hollow.[3]


  1. www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nyalbany/cem/Brookside.html Brookside Cemetery, Preston Hollow, recorded by Ann Hanford and her husband.
  2. www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nyalbany/cem/Brookside.html Brookside Cemetery, Preston Hollow, recorded by Ann Hanford and her husband.
  3. www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nyalbany/cem/Brookside.html Brookside Cemetery, Preston Hollow, recorded by Ann Hanford and her husband.