Summary of Hilltown Enlistments by Regiment

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Pvt. Reuben L. Weidman, Company I, 15th Cavalry<br.>NYS Military Museum

letter home from Jesse Denison

There were more than 600 documented men from the hilltowns that enlisted to serve in the Civil War. Of those, 31 were killed in action (15 of whom were members of the 7th Heavy Artillery), and another 11 died as a direct result of battlefield wounds. In addition, 65 men were wounded in action and disabled, but survived. 57 men were captured and imprisoned, of them 38 died while in prison and 19 survived the ordeal. 51 men died of disease, and another 35 were disabled as a result of disease, combat or non-combat events. 3 men died accidental deaths.

The regimental links below contain the names of the Albany County Hilltowns Civil War casualties and a brief description of the event.

  • 113th Regiment - One hundred and Thirteenth Regiment N.Y. Volunteers, later re-organzied as the Seventh Regiment, N.Y.H.A. Volunteer Artillery was organized first as the Albany County Regiment in the 13th Senatorial District.