McIntosh, Peter

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Peter McIntosh, who was born in July 1835 in Berne to Joseph McIntosh (B. June 4, 1809, D. bef 1855) and Nancy Holeater (B. 1801, D. after 1865), was the middle of three children.[1] He had an older and younger sister, and their father died when they were young.[1]

Marriage & Children

Peter McIntosh married Harriett Malina Dietz (B. Sept 11, 1834, D. bef 1900), who was the daughter of Johan Jost Adam Dietz and Margaret Willsey.[1]

Peter and Harriett had the following children:

Peter's wife Harriett died first before 1900 and after her death Peter married a woman named Effie in 1908 or 1909.[1][4][5] They did not have any children.[1]


Peter was a carpenter and worked in the profession for his entire life.[2][3][4][5]

Military Service

Name: Peter McIntosh
Enlistment Date: 6 Sep 1864
Enlistment Place: Auburn, New York
Enlistment Rank: Private
State Served: New York
Regiment: 9th Heavy Artillery
Company: Company A
Muster Out Date: 6 Jul 1865
Muster Out Place: Washington, DC
Additional Remarks: Later in his life, Peter was disabled by rheumatism as a result of his service.

Born in Albany Co., NY, Age 29, Carpenter, Blue eyes, Dark hair, Light complexion, 5'8" tall.[6]

Sources Used:, American Civil War Soldiers; 1865 census, Berne, Albany Co., NY; 1890 US Veterans Census, New Scotland, Albany Co, NY; Howell, George Rogers, History of the County of Albany, NY from 1609-1886, W. W. Munsell & Co., 1886, page 817


After Peter returned from the Civil War he settled in Berne where he worked as a carpenter, and where his first two children were born.[2] By 1880 he and his family relocated to New Scotland, Albany Co, NY and they remained there.[3] Peter continued to work as a carpenter. By 1890 Peter reported that he was disabled by rhuematism as a result of his Civil War service.[7] By 1900, Peter's first wife Harriett had died and he was living with his youngest son Edgar, who was also a carpenter, in New Scotland.[4] In about 1908, he remarried a much younger woman named Effie and two years later they were living in New Scotland in a rented home with Charles Dietz (B. abt 1840).[5]


Peter McIntosh died on May 19, 1917 at Albany, NY.[8]


Additional Research Notes

Additional Media


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 1870 US Census Berne, Albany Co, NY
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 1880 US Census New Scotland, Albany Co, NY
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 1900 US Census New Scotland, Albany Co, NY
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 1910 US Census New Scotland, Albany Co, NY
  6. NY Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts, Military databases
  7. 1890 US Veterans Census New Scotland, Albany Co, NY
  8. Civil War Pension Records @