Swart, Frederick

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
(Redirected from Frederick Swart)


Frederick Swart, born 06 Sep 1779 Switzkill Valley, Berne, Albany Co, NY, s/o Conrad Swart and Maria Elisabeth Bassler.
Baptised Oct 1779 Schoharie Lutheran Church (#1581), sponsors, Friederich Baseler & wife[1] (his grandparents).


Signed by mark




Lot 518

1817 Nov 6, Frederick Swart posted bond on 1/3 of the 209 acres of land leased at Bern in 1789 to Coenradt Swart (Rensselaerwyck, West Manor Rent Ledger A, p416)[2]. -- This would be the land he sold in 1821.

1819 Sep 18, deed, Frederick Swart of Berne, for $140 sold to John Jost Deitz, Johan Jost Shaver, Junr., and John Willday of Berne, Albany Co, NY, 50 acres of farm land on the west side of the Switskill Creek in Berne, adjoining the properties of Adam Deitz and heirs of Johannis Ecker, Jr., subject to conditions of a deed by Stephen Van Rensselaer, Esq. Signed Frederick Swart, by mark. Witnesses Mathias McIntosh, Peter J. Deitz. Recorded 31 Oct 1821 (Albany Co, NY, Deed Book 25, p424).

1820 Berne, Albany Co, NY (M33-63), p36, ln12, Frederick Swart, 011210-30112-0301.

1821 Oct 24, deed, Frederick Swart of Bern and Elizabeth his wife, for $700, sold to John Willday of Bern, 50 acres of farm land on the west side of Switz Kill, in Berne, Albany Co, NY and within the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, adjoining the corners of Adam Dietz and Adam Resue's lots and the heirs of Johannes Ecker, Jr., deceased, subject to conditions in a deed from Stephen Van Rensselaer, and another 15 acres in Berne on which John Bogardus now lives. Signed, Frederick Swart, by mark and Elizabeth Swart, by mark. Witnesses, Henry Stone to the signature of Frederick Swart, and Jacob Settle, Jr., to the signature of Elizabeth Swart. Recorded 3 Nov 1821 (Albany Co NY, Deed book 40, p398).[3]


About 1823 Frederick Swart and family left Berne for Greig, Lewis Co, NY, probably with a couple other Berne families.

Marriage & Children

Frederick married 01 Jun 1801 Schoharie Lutheran Church (#1576) to Elizabeth DuPont, Wit: Henrich Dietz & Georg Comman.[4] Elizabeth was the d/o Pierre Jean DuPont and Anna Maria Henrietta Fredericka Richter.

  • 1. Maria Elisabeth Swart, b. 12 Feb 1802 Switzkill Valley, Berne. "Maria, bp. 27 Feb 1802, Beaver Dam Dutch Reformed Church, Berne, d/o Friederich Schwartz and Elizabeth Dupung. Sponsors Coonrath Schwartz & wife Elizabeth."[5]
  • 2. Henry Frederick Swart, b. 16 Sep 1803 Switzkill Valley, Berne.[6] Married 17 Nov 1830, prob. Schroon Lake, Essex Co, NY to Belinda S. Jenks.[7]
  • 3. Peter J. Swart, b. 02 Oct 1807 Switzkill Valley, Berne.
  • 4. Maria Swartz, b. 11 Dec 1811 Switzkill Valley, Berne. bp. 16 Feb 1812, Beaver Dam Dutch Reformed Church, Berne, "Maria d/o Frederic Swart and Elezebeth Depon, sponsors, John Shafer and Maria Ecker.[8]
  • 5. Julian Swart, b. 05 Apr 1815 Switzkill Valley, Berne. bp. 23 Apr 1815 Beaver Dam Dutch Reformed Church, Berne, "Anna, d/o Frederick Swart & Elesebeth Debung, b. 5 Apr 1815," Sponsor, none listed.[9]
  • 6. Henrietta A. Swart, 16 Mar 1821 Switzkill Valley, Berne. bp. 6 May 1821 Beaver Dam Dutch Reformed Church, Berne, "Henrietta, d/o Frederick Swart & Elizabeth DePung." No sponsor listed.[10]


Frederick Swart died about 1845 in Greig, Lewis County, NY. He was supposedly buried on Swart's Hill, but no tombstone has been found.

Anna Maria Henrietta Fredericka Richter, died16 Dec 1841 in Greig, Lewis Co, NY and was buried with her husband.

Additional Media


  1. Kelly, Arthur C.M., "Marriage Record of Two Early Schoharie, NY Churches; St. Paul's Lutheran Church 1743-1899 and Reformed Church 1732-1892." Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship, 1978.
  2. "Rensselaerwyck Manor (NY), Records 1574-1870." NY State Library, Albany NY: microfilm MA/FM 974.74 V36 99-18511. Reel 5: West Manor Rent Ledger A
  3. Comment, I've not been able to make sense of the two deeds for Frederick, has he appears to be selling essentially the same land twice. Both deeds mention adjacent properties, but no metes & bounds
  4. Kelly, p67.
  5. Vosburgh, Royden W., ed., "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of the Beaver Dam in the Town of Berne, Albany County, New York." NY, NY: New York Gen. & Bio. Soc., 1918, p31
  6. Mayflower Descendant: no. 75694
  7. Family records of ggrandson Burton Swart (1891-1989), and grandson, Frank Hoskin's (1863-1939), "Autograph Book."
  8. Vosburgh, p41
  9. Vosburgh, p46
  10. Vosburgh, p51