Bassler, Frederick (B. Abt. 1715)

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Frederick Bassler was born about 1722 in Basel canton, Switzerland, based on the assumption his first marriage was at about age 23. His parentage is unknown.


  • 1749 Nov 9, at Philadelphia; Ship: (snow) "Good Intent", Captain Benjamin Boswell, from Rotterdam by way of Cowes, England, arrived with 76 Persons. Oaths administered to 26 persons, Friedrich Bassler - by signature (Strassburger, 1:426; List 145C).
  • About 1755 the family migrated to what is now Knox, Albany County, New York.


1787 survey map by Wm. Cockburn, shows Friedrich on Lot 644 which was about a mile north of Berne. Immediately to the west is Lot 631 where his step-son Johannis Leib lived.

Marriage and Children

Frederick was married three times.
He was married on board ship on his way to America.[1] (so says the Landmarks of Albany, but this is unlikely if his first child was born in Switzerland by this marriage).

His first wife was Esther Thommen. (Margaret Leip) He had had one known child from this marriage:

He had a another child by his second wife:

  • Frederick Bassler born 1752 at Philadelphia, PA[1] (no evidence he was born in Philadelphia, but somewhere in PA) (June 11, 1753 - November 5, 1851) married Martha Ball (1768 - February 27, 1833) on August 15, 1786

His last wife was Anna Danner (Anna Demmering). Their children were:

  • 1. Maria Elisabeth Bassler, b. abt. 1756, bp. 1756 Jun 7, Schoharie Dutch Reformed Church, d/o Frederich Baasler and Anna Dannerin. Sponsors Hannes Weidman & Maria Elisabeth Wydman. Pastor John Schuyler.(Kelly, #526). She married Conrad Swart.
  • 3.Hannah Anna Bassler. She married Peter Fetterly.
  • Elizabeth Bassler (July 7, 1756 - )
  • Heinrich Bassler (May 7, 1758 - ) married first Gertrude Wanner. married second Maria Wiedman October 22, 1775
Frederick Bassler baptized March 2, 1794
Maria Bassler baptized March 2, 1794
Henry Bassler (May 13, 1797 - ) baptized July 2, 1797
Johannes Bassler (May 19, 1802 - ) baptized May 30, 1802

(This data was taken from the Old Church Records)


  • Will of Friedrich Baseler.
  • Last will and testament (in German) signed and dated "6ten December 1784" in "Biverdam"
  • Probated March 22, 1785, Frederick's widow Anna appointed executrix on March 18, 1785.
  • Bond posted by Hendrick Baslaer, farmer, and Peter Fetterly, blacksmith
  • (Surrogates Office, City of New York, Wills, Vol.13, Liber 37, p493)


Frederick Bassler died Dec 1784 in what is now Knox, Albany County, NY.

More Information

Frederick Bassler immigrated from Basil, Switzerland in 1749 and settled first in Philadelphia. There, he took as his second wife the widow Margaret Leip, who had two sons by her first husband. Since the 1753 birth of Frederick Bassler Jr. was recorded in Philadelphia, the Bassler family could not have arrived at the Beaverdam with the Weidman family in 1750. In 1758, the Frederick Bassler family settled in what is now the Town of Knox. With them were her two sons, John and George Leip (Leib), who later settled on an adjoining farm.

Settling Berne's History


Jones, Henry Z. FASG, "Even More Palatine Families: 18th century immigrants to American." Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 2002. Vol.1, p26, Friederich Basler.

Kelly, Arthur C.M., "Baptism Record of the Schoharie Reformed Church, Schoharie, NY, est 1721." Rhinebeck, NY: Kelly, 1977.

Stapleton, Euretha. "Our Heritage." Town of Berne Bicentennial Commission, Cornwallville, NY: Hope Farms Press, 1977. p5 "Bassler Family-Early Years."

Strassburger, Ralph B. LL.D. and William J. Hinke, ed., Ph.D, "Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808", Norristown, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 1934.

Bassler, Frederick Family

Additional Media

Bassler, Elias, a well known landmark, was born in the town of Knox, on the old Bassler homestead, Februarys, 1819.

Frederick Bassler, his great-grandfather, was a native of Switzerland, who immigrated to America before 1750 and settled in Philadelphia. He was married on board of ship while on his way to America. Between 1750 and 1760 he settled in what is now the town of Knox, took up 238 acres of land and made himself a home in the forest, and was one of the first eight to settle in the town of Berne.

Frederick Bassler, the grandfather of Elias, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1753, and grew to manhood on his father's farm in Knox, of which he subsequently came in possession. When the Revolutionary war broke out he took sides with the British and enlisted in their service. His wife was Martha Ball, a native of Berne, born in 1768, and their children were Peter, Frederick, Henry, John, Benjamin, Eve, Elizabeth, Maria and Ann Eliza. He died November 5, 1851, at the age of ninety-eight years; his wife died February 27, 1833.

Frederick, the father of Elias Bassler, was born on the homestead in 1793; coming into possession of one-half of the homestead, he added more to his landed possessions, where he remained a lifelong and successful farmer. He was prominent and influential in the political affairs of his town and county, being chosen six times by his townsmen to represent them in the Board of Supervisors, and was once elected to represent his district in the State Legislature on the Republican ticket. He was actively identified with the church and was one of the building committee to erect the first Dutch Reformed church of Berne, in which he afterwards officiated. His wife was Maria Salsburg, and their children were Anna, Maria. Elias, Jacob. Peter, Levinus, Sophia, Eliza and Emma. He died in 1874 and his wife in 1862.

Elias Bassler, when a boy, attended the common district schools. He remained on the farm until thirty-nine years af age, when he came into possession of his present farm of 130 acres, through the assistance of his father, and on this farm he has ever since resided, doing general farming. In politics Mr. Bassler is a Republican, and while feeling a keen interest in the welfare of his party, he has never sought political honors. In 1842 he married Eva, daughter of Jacob Sand of Knox, and they have three children: Dorthy L. (wife of Nicholas Sheldon of Knox), Olivia M. (wife of James E. Onderdonk of Central Bridge, N. Y.), and Catharine E. (who died when nineteen). Mrs. Bassler died in February, 1894. They were both members of the Reformed church, in which he has officiated as deacon and elder. He has now retired from the active life and care of the farm, which he now leases to his son-in-law, Mr. Sheldon.

Landmarks of Albany County, New York

Frederick Bassler the immigrant was born in 1712 - died 1784. Was buried in the family lot on his farm. He came from Basel Switzerland; and bcame a resident of Philadelphia, Pa. Mar. a widow, Margaret Leip, she had two sons by her former marriage. On son was born to them, Frederick Jr. and June 11, 1753.

In 1755 that family moved to Berneville, N.Y. He was not satisfied with his new home and wished to have a permanent one.

In 1758 Frederick Sr. purchased a farm about 2 miles north of the village, a beautiful spot upon the banks of a winding stream; he had followed the stream until he found the spring, and here, within a few rods built a niche home where he lived the remained of his life.

Frederick Sr. was married twice but have not been able to get any data of eaither wife. The name of the other wife was Anna Demmering.

William A. Brinkman wrote me that he had seen the Old Bassler homestead farm upon which was a burial lot and a spring with a 5 inch flow of water. Not any data could be gathered from the stones in the burial lot.

While I was at Berne in Aug. 1940 I was privileged to see the old homestead and go through the house. The homestead was in the possession of the Bassler family for five generations, then it was sold by the widow of Sanford Bassler. Today, 1941, it if the property of a family by the name of Gibbs. The house is in fine condition and the spring is furnishing the water for the farm.

Mr. Bassler was connected with the Reformed Protestant High Dutch Church of Schoharie N.Y. Organized in 1765. The Parish extended over an area of 15 miles.

Attached to notes by Mrs. Frank (Kate L. Bassler) Matteson, Darien, Wisconsin - 1941


  1. 1.0 1.1 Landmarks of Albany County, NY, Edited by Amasa J. Parker, Albany, NY