Lot 65-K

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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The main farmhouse for Lot 065-K (Knox) on the Beers 1866 map of Knox is currently 66 Beebe Road, Knox, NY.

66 Beebe Road, Knox - Formerly Lot 065-K
  • 1836 the ownership of 66 Beebe Road can be traced from the current owners back to David Van Auken in 1836. The land was part of Rensselaerwyck (Rensselaerswijck). <br.>

In 1836, the 120 acres later owned by Charlie Beebe was described as: All the certain piece or parcel of land situated at Knox aforesaid in the manor of Resselaerwyck and bounded on the north partly by lands of Joseph M. Brenda and partly by lands of Nathaniel Swanson, on the east by lands lately and by Christopher Chesebro now deceased, on the south partly by lands of Jacob Saddlemire partly by lands of Jacob Sandt & partly by lands lately owned by Amos Terry now deceased and on the west by lands lately owned by Caleb Lyon now deceased containing one hundred and twenty acres of land. <br.>

  • On the 1866 Beers map of Knox, 66 Beebe Road appears in Lot 065-K with the name D. Van Auken. <br.>
Lot 065-K, D. Van Auken
  • 1911, the 120 acres were described as, All that certain farm, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Town of Knox, County of Albany, State of York, bounded as follows: On the North by the lands (formerly) of Charles Gage, on the East by the lands (formerly) of Jacob H. Saddlemeyer, on the South by the lands (formerly) of John Jost Saddlemyer, and Walter S. Church, and on the West by the lands (formerly) of John Posson containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres of land more or less, being tbe same premises conveyed to D. Emory Pangburn by Deed dated April 10th, 1879, and recorded to the Albany County Clerk's Office in Book number 317 of Deeds at page 299.<br.>
  • 1949, the 120 acres were described as, All that certain farm, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Knox, County of Albany and State of New York, bounded as follows: On the North by the lands formerly of Charles Gage, now of Earl Gage, on the East by the lands formerly of Jacob H. Saddlemeyer, now of Sheridan Saddlemire, on the South by land formerly of Walter S. Church and John Jost Saddlemeyer, and now of Anthony Myjovic, Marvin Zimmer and Frank Settle, and on the West by the land formerly of John Posson, containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres of land more or less. <br.>

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66 Beebe Road, Knox, NY Deeds