Wolford, Emeline

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Emeline Wolford was born October 31, 1831, the daughter of Henry D. Wolford and Catherine Becker. Her brothers and sisters were:

Marriage & Children

Emeline Wolford married Peter Schoonmaker in 1850 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Town of Berne, Albany, NY. Their children were:



Additional Media

Peter Schoonmaker and Emeline owned what is now 66 Beebe Road but at that time the location was Lot 065-K in Knox, NY. Peter Schoonmaker purchased 120 acres from Wilbur O. Van Auken, E.

Adeline Van Auken, Elizabeth Baxter, and Henry Baxter on March 24, 1877. Two years later, on February 4, 1879, he and his wife, Emeline, sold the land to Walter S. Church. Sources