Schoonmaker, Peter

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
(Redirected from Peter Schoonmaker)
Peter Schoonmaker Photo from Bi-centennial history of Albany: History of the county of Albany ..., Volume 2 By Jonathan Tenney


Peter Schoonmaker was born June 29, 1828, the son of of Christian Schoonmaker and Lydia Warner.

Marriage & Children

Peter Schoonmaker married Emeline Wolford in 1850 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Town of Berne, Albany, NY. Their children were:



Additional Media

Tenney and Howell - History of Albany and Schenectady Counties - 1886


Hon. Peter Schoonmaker is a son of Christian and Lydia (Warner) Schoonmaker, and was born in Knox, June 29, 1828. He was reared on his father's farm, and received his education in the public schools of his native town. He engaged in farming and became known as one of the most successful farmers and business man in his section of the county. He from time to time purchased several farms in Knox, and at his father's death inherited the old Schoonmaker homestead, where he has lived all his life. For some time past he has been the most extensive real estate owner in the town.

In 1850 Mr. Schoonmaker married Miss Emeline Wolford, a daughter of Henry Wolford, a farmer of Knox. He has two sons—Winfield Scott Schoonmaker and Jay Schoonmaker, both of whom are married, live near their father, and are ranked among the most enterprising of the young business men of Knox.

An ardent Republican and an active worker for the advancement of the cause of his party, both at home and abroad, Mr. Schoonmaker has, since he grew to manhood, taken a deep interest in political affairs. He was elected assessor of the town of Knox in the spring of 1855, and re-elected each successive term until he resigned the position in 1866. In the last-mentioned year he was elected supervisor. He was re-elected the six succeeding terms, five times without opposition. In 1872 he was the candidate of the Republican party for member of Assembly to represent the First Assembly District of Albany County. The district had for several years given a Democratic majority, and at the best could only be regarded as close by the Republicans. No better evidence of Mr.Schoonmaker's personal popularity could be adduced than the fact that he was elected by 987 majority. Mr. Schoonmaker served on the committees on " Roads and Bridges," "Agriculture"and " Privileges and Elections," and cast his vote for Hon. Roscoe Conkling for United States Senator. His service as Assemblyman was both creditable to himself and highly satisfactory to his constituents. He declined a re-election and has since refused to be a candidate for any office, devoting himself to his business; but his interest in the Republican cause is so deep that he has at the same time been an active and influential worker for the success of his party in his town, county and country. He has also devoted himself assiduously to the advancement of the interests of the town of Knox. He has been prominent in the conduct of its educational institutions, and is one of the leading spirits in the management of the well-known local insurance company of Knox. He and his wife are members of St. Paul's Lutheran Evangelical Church of Berne. Peter Schoonmaker owned what is now 66 Beebe Road but at that time the location was Lot 065-K in Knox, NY. Peter Schoonmaker purchased 120 acres from Wilbur O. Van Auken, E. Adeline Van Auken, Elizabeth Baxter, and Henry Baxter on March 24, 1877. Two years later, on February 4, 1879, he sold the land to Walter S. Church.
