Taggart, James H. Sr.
James H. Taggart was born October 26, 1872, probably in East Berne, the son of John A. Taggart and Almira M. Wagner (1841 - AFT 1920). In her obituary, Mrs. John Taggart (1849 - May 1, 1924) is named Minerva Jane Hotaling. His siblings were:
- Josephine (Joey, Josey) Taggart (ABT 1869 - ) (Married Charles McFee of Johnstown on December 24, 1892 at Maple Avenue, Altamont, Albany, NY)
- Margaret (Maggie) Taggart (MAR 1871 - AFT 2 DEC 1944) (Married in 1896 Frank Reinhart)
A native of East Berne, he unlisted in the U. S. Infantry on Jan. 11, 1899, and five weeks later he was on the expedition against Aguinalod's forces at Camp Miguel in the Philippines. He took part in several expeditions and four pitched battles, according to his discharge paper, which indicate that service in the Philippines Insurrection was considered Spanish-American War service.
—Mr. Timothy Vanghn received a letter from Mr. James Taggart, who recently enlisted In Co. C, 16th Infantry, and is now in camp at Huntville, Alabama. He writes that they are soon to be sent to Kansas where they will go in barracks. Evidently he is not pleased with a soldier's life as be sends word to some of his friends here, dissuading hem from enlisting and says that New York state is good enough for him.
- Altamont Enterprise - September 14, 1900
— Mr. D. C. Ryan recently showed us a copy of the Aparri, P. I., News, sent him by Mr. James Taggart, late of this place, who is serving in Uncle Sam's army in the Philippines. It is a small sheet printed in English, devoted to local matters relating to the army and American interests generally.
- Altamont Enterprise - September 14, 1900
—Mr. James Taggart, who has served upward of three years in the regular army, over two and a half rears of that time In the Philippines, has returned borne, arriving here Sunday morning, He came by a northern route, the transport stopping.at a Japan port for coal, and said they experienced a very rough voyage. The distance to San Francisco to 7,000 miles and one can imagine that the long voyage to not a very pleasant one under the most favorable conditions. He Is looking well, but from his conversation think he has had enough of army life.
- Altamont Enterprise - February 14, 1903
Marriage & Children
James H. Taggart, Sr. married ??. His children were:
- James H. Taggart, Jr.
- Mrs Henry Carrow (February 1, 1905 - )
- Mrs. Anita McFee
- Miss Margaret Taggart - Margaret Taggart of Harlingen; ( - October 6, 1999)
A daughter was born November 21, 1907

OCT 26 1872 - SEPT 24, 1971
James H. Taggart, Sr. died September 24, 1971.

James Taggart, Former Resident, Dies at 99
James H. Taggart, of 87 Bradford St., Albany, on of the last survivors of the Spanish-American War, died last Friday night. He would have been 99 on Oct. 26,
Mr. Taggart and his family were residents of Altamont many years ago.
A native of East Berne, he inlisted in the U. S. Infantry on Jan. 11, 1899, and five weeks later he was on the expedition against Aguinalod's forces at Camp Miguel in the Philippines. He took part in several expeditions and four pitched battles, according to his discharge paper, which indicate that service in the Philippines Insurrection was considered Spanish-American War service.
Surviving are a son, James H. Taggart, Jr.; three daughters, Mrs Henry Carrow, Mrs. Anita McFee and Miss Margaret Taggart; seven grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.
Services were held Tuesday at Zwack and Sons Mortuary and at St. John's Lutheran church in Albany. Burial was in Knox Cemetery
- Altamont Enterprise — October 1, 1971
Additional Media
RUTH TAGGART CARROW, 91: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Times Union, The (Albany, NY) - Thursday, April 4, 1996
Deceased Name: RUTH TAGGART CARROW, 91
HARLINGEN, Texas -- Ruth Taggart Carrow, 91, formerly of Colonie, died Saturday in Texas. Mrs. Carrow was born in Altamont. She resided for many years on Madison Avenue in Colonie before moving to Harlingen 20 years ago.
In her younger years, Mrs. Carrow worked as a telephone operator in Albany. She also was employed as a cashier at the former DeWitt Clinton Hotel in Albany.
She was the widow of Harry W. Carrow Sr.
Survivors include two sons, Henry W. Carrow Jr. of Schenectady and Clifford Carrow of Colonie; a sister, Margaret Taggart of Harlingen; and several grandchildren; and great-grandchildren.
A service will be held at 10 a.m. Friday in the Reilly & Son Funeral Home, 1200 Central Ave., Colonie. Burial will be in Memory's Garden, Colonie.
Calling hours will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today in the funeral home.
Page: B11
Copyright, 1996, (c) Times Union. All Rights Reserved.
TAGGART, MARGARET J.: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Times Union, The (Albany, NY) - Sunday, October 10, 1999
HARLINGEN, TX -- Margaret J. Taggart, 88, formerly of Madison Ave., Colonie, died October 6, 1999 in Texas. She had lived in Colonie for many years before moving to Harlingen in 1976. She was employed for 35 years at the Sterling Winthrop Co. in Rensselaer, retiring in 1970. She was a member of the Confederate Air Force Ladies Auxiliary in Texas. She was the sister of the late Ruth Carrow and James Taggart; aunt of Henry Carrow, Clifford Carrow and Patricia Hay. She is also survived by several grandnieces and grandnephews. Relatives and friends will be invited to visit with Margaret's family at a time to be announced later this week at the Reilly & Sons Funeral Home, Colonie.
Page: B7
Copyright, 1999, (c) Times Union. All Rights Reserved.