Secor, Horace S.
Horace S. Secor was born in 1917, the son of Luther Secor (1880 – 1962) and Lucille Keenholtz (1887 – ). His brother was:
- Luther Secor
Lieutenant Horace Secor of the U. S. Army is visiting his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Secor Jr.
- Altamont Enterprise - August 4, 1944
Horace Secor is Promoted to 1st Lieutenant
Joined army in 1940, First Sent To Puerto Rico is now Qyerseas.
Horace Secor, formerly of Altamont, son of Luther Secor Sr., of Bridgeport, Conn, has been promoted to a First Lieutenant in the U. S. Army, relatives, here, have been informed. Secor, who is in the infantry, joined the Army in May, 1940. Following his enlistment, he was sent to Puerto Rico where he did military intelligence work. On the outbreak of War, Sepor came back to the United States and entered the Officers Candidate school at Fort Benning, Ga. He graduated with a commission of Second Lieutenant and almost immediately was transferred to overseas duty.
For some time he was in the North African theatre of the war. His current work wjth the Army also includes Battiallion Intelligence Officer.
Lieutenant Secor is well known in Altamont where he lived for many years, and where he attended school. Luther Secor Jr, of this village, is a brother.
- Altamont Enterprise - August 6, 1943
Marriage & Children
Horace S. Secor married Gloria Munro. Their children were:
- Bruce Secor
- Cathy Secor

1917 - 1951
Horace S. Secor died Friday, May 18, 1951. A small private plane crashed in a pasture a half mile north of Bloomington, Ind., last Friday and killed two of its three passengers.

Bloomington, Ind.— A small private plane crashed in a pasture a half mile north of Bloomington, Ind., last Friday and killed two of its three passengers.
The dead were:
Maj. Horace S. Secor, 34 Bloomington, commander of Army Reserve Officer Training in Region 10.
Stanley Williams, Ellettsville, Ind., building contractor and owner of the plane.
Taken to Bloomington hospital with critical injuries was Fred Murray, 34, trumpet player in a Bloomington dance band. He later died of his injuries.
Witnesses said the plane apparently was attempting an emergency landing in the rolling pasture.
Native of Altamont
Maj. Seeor was a native of Aitamont and was well known in this village. He was educated in Aitamont High school and enlisted in the Army in May,1940. He was stationed at Puerto Rico, in the intelligence branch of the Army. He entered Officers Training school at Fort Benning, Ga and received his commission as 2nd Lieutenant .in 1942. In October, 1942, he left with General Patton's 7th Army, in the 9th Division, for overseas, landing at Oran. He saw action at Bizerte and Kasserine Pass, and fought in the Afican campaign up to Sicily. He was with the Army of Occupation in Germany until 1950.
Major Secor went to Bloomington last summer to take over command of Region 10. Army Organized Reserve Corps, after being transferred there from Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis. He was promoted from captain to major a few Weeks ago.
Major Secor was a member of the Bloomington (Ind.) American Legion post: also a member of Loyal Order of Moose, of Bloomington.
Major George Houston, a personal friend of Major Secor, accompanied the body east and presented Mrs. Secor with the flag following the burial.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Fredendall Funeral home in Altamont, with Rev. James E. Van Vessem, minister of the Altamont Reformed church officiating. Burial was at Knox Cemetery, with full military honors, in cooperation with Helderberg Post of the American Legion and Boyd Hilton Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Bearers were William Bradt, Frederick Uhl, Robert Uhl, Joseph Torlish, Wright Westfall and Raymond Brunk.
Major Secor is survived by his wife, the former Gloria Munro; a son Bruce, a daughter, Cathy; a brother, Luther Secor, Jr, of Altamont; and his father, Luther Secor, Sr., formerly of Altamont, now of Orlando, Fla.
- Altamont Enterprise — Friday, May 25, 1951
Additional Media
Knox Cemetery
BORN SEPT 3rd 1916
DIED ?? 25th, 1916Knox Cemetery
1883 - 1965