Peck, William J.

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Born 20 March 1845[1] in Westerlo, son of George Peck and Elzabeth (Betsy) Gould.

Military Service

61st Infantry Battle Flag
Residence: Westerlo
Enlistment Date: 8 Aug 1864
Enlistment Place: Albany, NY
Enlistment Rank: Private
State Served: New York
Regiment: 61st Infantry
Company: Company H
Killed in Action: 26 Oct. 1864[1]
Death Place: Fort McGilvery, VA
Place of Burial: On City Point Wagon Road, back of the defences, near the Creek.[2]
Additional Remarks: Enlisted at the age of 18. Date of death on Ancestry records is 27 Oct 1864; 1865 Additional Westerlo. He was buried where he was killed. His remains were either reentered or the grave marker is only a memorial.

William J. Peck age 19 single enlisted Aug 8, 1864 61 NYI private died Oct 27, 1864 Fort McGiving? Near Petersburgh Killed by sharpshooter

Sources Used: tombstone;, American Civil War Soldiers; 1865 Census, Westerlo, Albany Co., NY.


There is a marker for him in the Gould and Peck Family Burying Ground

Additional Research Notes

Old records show he was wounded in battle and must of died of his wounds in the CIVIL WAR. Researcher: Peggy Peck Filkins

Additional Media


  1. 1.0 1.1 tombstone
  2. Record of the Federal Dead buried from Libby, Belle Isle, Danville & Camp Lawton Prisons and at City Point, and in the Field before Petersburg and Richmond. Published by the U.S. Christian Commission, from reports of its agents.