Pangburn, Martha May

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
(Redirected from Martha May Pangburn)


Martha May Pangburn (usually signed as M. May Pangburn) was born about 1873, the daughter of David Emory Pangburn and Lucia R. Ostrander. Her sister was

Marriage & Children

There is no record of a marriage.


Martha May Pangburn died in 1963.


Additional Research

Altamont Enterprise - July 6, 1911

Supreme Court - Albany County M. May Pangburn , Plaintiff, against Ruth M. Burnap, and M. May Pangburn, as Administratrix of the goods, chattels and credits of D. Emory Pangburn, deceased, Defendents.

In pursuance of a judgment in the above entitled action of partition entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Albany, on the 6th day of July, 1911. I, the undersigned referee, to and by said judgment for that purpose appointed, will sell at public auction at the main entrance and hallway of tbe City Hall, in the City of Albany, Albany County, New York, on the 21st day of August, 1911, at twelve o'clock noon, the lands and premises in said judgment directed to be sold and therein described as follows: "All that certain farm, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in tne Town of County of Albany, State of York, bounded as follows: On the North by the lands (formerly of Charles Gage, on the East by the lands (formerly) of Jacob H. Saddlemeyer, on the South by the lands (formerly) of John Jost Saddlemyer, and Walter S. Church, and on the West by the lands (formerly) of John Posson containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres of land more or less, being the same premises conveyed to D. Emory Pangburn by Deed dated April 10th, 1879, and recorded to the Albany County Clerk's Office in Book number 317 of Deeds at page 299."

Dated July 6th, 1911.

P. C. PUGAN, Referee.

Earl H, Gallup, Plaintiff's Attorney,

452 Broadway, Albany. N. Y.

John H. Rea, Attorney for Guardian

ad Litem of Ruth M. Burnap,

50 State St. Albany, N. Y.

NOTE: This auction never took place.

On October 3, 1914, M. May Pangburn sold Lot 65-K, including the house at 66 Beebe Road, Knox, NY to Charles E. Beebe. Apparently she inherited the house and land from her father, D. Emory Pangburn, who purchased it in 1879 from Walter S. Church.
