Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Member Drive

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs in Member Drive - Altamont Enterprise, January 22, 1960

Kiwanis Club of Helderbergs in Member Drive

Still in the formative stage, the new Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs met at Berne hotel last Monday night. Seventeen members have signed the charter petition. Lester Coughtry, chairman of the New York district's new club committee, present at the meeting, expressed the hope that sufficient additional signatures will be obtained at the next regular meeting to complete the formal organization of the club.

Last Monday's meeting was conducted by Wyman Osterhout president of the sponsoring Kiwanis Club of New Scotland. Leader in the exploratory discussion, pertaining to the securing of additional members, was Lauren Kisselburg. Norman G. Kidder, lieutenant governor of the Capital Division of Kiwanis, spoke on the 1960 Objectives of Kiwanis.

Howard Zimmer, chairman of the nominating committee, composed of W. L. Bob Deats, Robert H. Day, W. Kenneth Atkins, and George Bob Dederick, announced the committee has had two sessions and is prepared to submit nominations for a slate of officers and directors at the next meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. W. L. Bob Deats was appointed program chairman for the next meeting to be held Monday, Jan. 25, at 7 p. m., at the Berne hotel.

Membership committee activities are headed by G. Bob Dederick in the Westerlo area, W. L. Bob Deats and Marshall Stevens in the Knox section, and Howard Zimmer in the Berne' communities. Community service-minded men living or working in the Helderberg area are eligible for membership. They may contact any of the men previously mentioned for additional information concerning Kiwanis activities. Also present at Sunday's meeting and active in the membership discussions were Robert I. Whitlock, Robert H. Day, Howard Schoonmaker from Berne; George W. Snyder, Richard E: Sevren, W. Kenneth Atkins from Westerlo; Harold Northrup, Ray L. Shaul, John A. Moloney, and David O'Hanlon from East Berne, and Clifford C. Hay from Knox.

Altamont Enterprise, Altamont, N. Y., Friday, January 22, 1960