Alverson, James Knox

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
(Redirected from James Knox Alverson)


James Knox[1] Alverson was born on February 21, 1845, to Leonard Alverson and Elizabeth Wilber. James was one of seven children.

Military Service

Name: James Knox Alverson
Residence at Enlistment: Berne
Place of Birth: Berne, NY[2]
Date of Birth: 25 Feb 1845[2]
Names of Parents: Leonard (Alverson) and Elizabeth Wilbur[2]
Marital Status: Single[2]
Occupation: Farmer[2]
Term of Enlistment: 3 years[2]
Bounty Received: None[2]
Enlistment Date: 4 Jan 1864[3]
Enlistment Place: Albany, New York
Enlistment Rank: Private
State Served: New York
Regiment: 7th Regiment NY Heavy Artillery
Company: Company M[3]
Wounded on: 3 Jun 1864[3]
Wounded at: Cold Harbor, VA[3]
Discharged for Disability on: 23 May 1865[3]
Discharged at: US General Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Additional Remarks: Enlisted at the age of 19. He was wounded in the left leg and right forearm at Cold Harbor and was discharged for a disability from the hospital in Philadelphia.[3] "Wounded at the Battle of Cold Harbor June 3rd 1864 in left leg and right fore arm Permanently disabled Three inches of bone taken from the right arm. Discharged May 23rd 1865 P.O. Address Huntersland Schoharie Co N.Y."[2]
Sources Used:, American Civil War Soldiers; 1865 census Berne, Albany Co., NY; Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of the State of NY for the year 1898; Keating, Robert, Carnival of Blood: The Civil War Ordeal of the Seventh New York Heavy Artillery, Published by Butternut and Blue, Baltimore, Md 1998; Town and City Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War

Marriage & Children

James married Rhoda E. Shoemaker in 1876. She was the daughter of Abraham Shoemaker and Phebe M. Layman and was born in March 1854.

They had the following children;


  • 1865-1866 he taught school in Berne in 1865 and 1866. Plus other schools in Albany and Schoharie Counties.[5]
  • 1866 elected School Commissioner in the First District of Schoharie County (which included Huntersland) in 1888 for a three year term.[5] *1894 re-elected in 1894 for another three years ending in 1897.[5]
  • 1892 he was teacher, his wife was a seamstress in Middleburh, Schoharie, NY.[6]
  • 1920 he did office work and his wife was a dress maker. They lived a 342 Orange St., Albany, Albany, NY.[7]

His Life

James K. Alverson attended the common schools of his district until he was fourteen years old, and then began earning his own living by working out by the month; being thus employed until the breaking out of the Civil War.
At the age of eighteen he enlisted in Company M, Seventh New York Artillery, with which he served eighteen months. He participated in the battles of Spottsylvania, Anna River, and Cold Harbor, where he was twice wounded by minie-balls, once in the right forearm and once in the left thigh. He was taken to the hospital, from which he was discharged as a private at the end of eight months.
Returning home, he commenced his career as a teacher, being employed in 1865 and 1866 in Berne. Afterward he was principal of schools in the village of Schoharie, in Middleburg, and Wright, and in other places in Schoharie and Albany Counties, for a continuous period of twenty years.
In 1888 Mr. Alverson was elected School Commissioner of the First District of Schoharie County for a term of three years, and in 1894 was again elected to the same responsible position, and served until 1897. As School Commissioner he had to examine the one hundred and twelve teachers employed in the ninety-eight schools under his immediate supervision, and personally visit each school in the eight towns composing his district. Since the expiration of his last term in this capacity, he has resumed his former occupation as a teacher, and is now one of the oldest instructors in this part of the county and one of the most successful. He was formerly a member of the Schoharie County Teachers' Association, and while a Commissioner of the First District he built many new school-houses.
He is a Democrat in politics, and was twice elected Collector of the town of Berne. Fraternally, he is a member of the Moses Tompkins Post, No. 149, G. A. R., in which he has served as Officer of the Day and been Commander, and belongs also to the Middleburg Lodge, Le Bastelle, I. O. O. F., in which he has passed all the chairs, and is now Past Noble Grand. He and his family attend the Lutheran church.
In 1876 Mr. Alverson married Miss Rhoda Shoemaker, a daughter of Abraham and Phebe (Layman) Shoemaker. Her parents spent their later years of life in Middleburg, where her mother is still living at the age of seventy-five years. Mr. and Mrs. Alverson have three children; namely, Leonard A., W. Layman, and Otis Ray.[8]


James K. Alverson died on January 24, 1919 at Albany, NY[9]


Additional Research Notes

Additional Media

Town and City Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War

Wounded at the Battle of Cold Harbor June 3rd 1864 in left leg and right fore arm Permanently disabled Three inches of bone taken from the right arm.

Census Records

1850 federal; Middleburgh, Schoharie

  • Leonard Alverson 49 Farmer
  • Elizabeth Alverson 44
  • William Alverson 18 Farmer
  • Delaney Alverson 16
  • Elisabeth Alverson 14
  • John Alverson 12
  • Joseph Alverson 9
  • James Alverson 5
  • Sarah Cook 69

1860 federal; Berne, Albany

  • Leonard Alverson 52 Shoemaker
  • Elizabeth Alverson 54
  • Elizabeth Alverson 23
  • John Alverson 22 Farm Laborer
  • Joseph Alverson 18 Farm Laborer
  • James Alverson 16 Farm Laborer

1870 federal; Berne, Albany

  • Leonard Alverson 61 Farmer
  • Elizabeth Alverson 63 Keeping House
  • James Alverson 25 Farmer
  • Elizabeth Alverson 34 Dressmaker

1880 federal; Berne, Albany

  • James Alverson 35 School Teacher
  • Rhoda E Alverson 26 Wife Millner

1900 federal; Middleburgh, Schoharie

  • James K Alverson 55 Head School Teacher
  • Rada E Alverson 46 Wife Dressmaker
  • Leonard A Alverson 19 Son Grocier Merchant
  • Otis R Alverson 13 Son At School
  • W Layman Alverson 16 Son Barber

1910 federal; Albany Ward 12, Albany

  • James K Alverson 65 Head Office Work
  • Rhoda E Alverson 56 Wife Dressmaker
  • Otis R Alverson 23 Son Clerk
  • Leonard A Alverson 29 Head Bookkeeper
  • Fannie C Alverson 24 Wife
  • J Maynard Alverson 4 Son
  • Ruth E Alverson 2 Daughter


  1. Howell, George Rogers, History of the County of Albany, NY from 1609-1886, W. W. Munsell & Co 1886 page 817
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Town and City Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Keating, Robert, Carnival of Blood: The Civil War Ordeal of the Seventh New York Heavy Artillery, Published by Butternut and Blue, Baltimore, Md 1998
  4. 4.0 4.1 World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data: United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582 rolls.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Middleburgh Library Biographical Review
  6. 1892 state census
  7. 1910 federal census
  8. Biographical Review Volume XXXIII Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
  9. Civil War Pension Records @