Bassler, Frederick

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Frederick Bassler was born June 11, 1753[1] at Philadelphia, PA[2] son of Frederick Bassler, Sr.[1]

His life

He grew to manhood on his father's farm of which he subsequently came into possession. When the Revolutionary War broke out, he took sides with the British and enlisted in their service.[2]

Marriage and Children

His wife was Martha Ball a native of Berne, born in 1768.[2] (Maria Ball a daughter of Hendrick Ball and Maria Elizabetha Dietz. [3]),
Their children:

  • Peter Bassler[2] (January 22, 1789 - June 4, 1863) married Catherine Chesebro (January 20, 1789 - November 20, 1862)
  • Frederick Bassler (1793)[2] Frederick Bassler III (March 26, 1790 - July 27, 1873) married Marie Salisbury (1795 - August 22, 1862)[1]
  • Henry Bassler[2] Henry F (1793 - November 9, 1841) married Mary Saddlemire (January 22, 1797 - July 30, 1886) on March 2, 1816[1]
  • John Bassler[2] married Catherine[1]
  • Benjamin Bassler[2] Benjamine Bassler was minister, had charges in Sharon, Lawyersville, and Farmersville. He had a daughter.[1]
  • Eve Bassler[2] (December 1, 1800 - )[1]
  • Elizabeth Bassler[2]
  • Maria Bassler[2]
  • Ann Eliza Bassler[2] Anna Eliza (February 25, 1811 - ) Baptized May 25, 1811, married Samuel H. Davis[1]
  • Philip Bassler - Went to Canada during the War of 1812[1]
  • Heinrich Bassler (November 6, 1787 - ) Baptized November 25, 1787, married Maria...
  • Anna Bassler (April 11, 1799 - )[1]


He died in Knox on November 5, 1851 at the age of 98 years; his wife died February 27, 1833

His Will

Additional Media

Bassler, Elias, a well known landmark, was born in the town of Knox, on the old Bassler homestead, Februarys, 1819.

Frederick Bassler, his great-grandfather, was a native of Switzerland, who immigrated to America before 1750 and settled in Philadelphia. He was married on board of ship while on his way to America. Between 1750 and 1760 he settled in what is now the town of Knox, took up 238 acres of land and made himself a home in the forest, and was one of the first eight to settle in the town of Berne.

Frederick Bassler, the grandfather of Elias, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1753, and grew to manhood on his father's farm in Knox, of which he subsequently came in possession. When the Revolutionary war broke out he took sides with the British and enlisted in their service. His wife was Martha Ball, a native of Berne, born in 1768, and their children were Peter, Frederick, Henry, John, Benjamin, Eve, Elizabeth, Maria and Ann Eliza. He died November 5, 1851, at the age of ninety-eight years; his wife died February 27, 1833.

Frederick, the father of Elias Bassler, was born on the homestead in 1793; coming into possession of one-half of the homestead, he added more to his landed possessions, where he remained a lifelong and successful farmer. He was prominent and influential in the political affairs of his town and county, being chosen six times by his townsmen to represent them in the Board of Supervisors, and was once elected to represent his district in the State Legislature on the Republican ticket. He was actively identified with the church and was one of the building committee to erect the first Dutch Reformed church of Berne, in which he afterwards officiated. His wife was Maria Salsburg, and their children were Anna, Maria. Elias, Jacob. Peter, Levinus, Sophia, Eliza and Emma. He died in 1874 and his wife in 1862.

Elias Bassler, when a boy, attended the common district schools. He remained on the farm until thirty-nine years af age, when he came into possession of his present farm of 130 acres, through the assistance of his father, and on this farm he has ever since resided, doing general farming. In politics Mr. Bassler is a Republican, and while feeling a keen interest in the welfare of his party, he has never sought political honors. In 1842 he married Eva, daughter of Jacob Sand of Knox, and they have three children: Dorthy L. (wife of Nicholas Sheldon of Knox), Olivia M. (wife of James E. Onderdonk of Central Bridge, N. Y.), and Catharine E. (who died when nineteen). Mrs. Bassler died in February, 1894. They were both members of the Reformed church, in which he has officiated as deacon and elder. He has now retired from the active life and care of the farm, which he now leases to his son-in-law, Mr. Sheldon.

Landmarks of Albany County, New York


Died, on the 5th of November, 1851 at Berne, Albany Co., N. Y., Frederick Bassler, in the 99th year of his age.

The father of the venerable man was an emigrant from Basle, a town in the north of Switzerland. Upon his arrival in this country, he became a resident of the city of Philadelphia. While remaining here on the 11th of June, 1753, Mr. Bassler was born. In 1755, when he was about two years old, his father, with his little family, removed to Bernville, in the county of Albany. Being dissatisfied with his new home, and desirous of becoming permanently settled, within the space of three years having found a suitable location, he removed for the purpose of occupying it, about two miles north of the village. This beautiful spot, upon the banks of a winding stream, became the place of his abode for the remainder of his days. After his death the son Frederick, the subject of these remarks, succeeded him, occupying the old homestead until the day of his departure.

Mr. Bassler was early impressed by religious obligations. The great concern of that awful eternity upon which the soul must launch after death found a place in his affections, and taught him the necessity of an interest in the Savior of sinners. Accordingly, when the anguish of a troubled illuminating power of Divine truth, venturing to cherish a hope of acceptance with God, he united himself with the Reformed Dutch church of Schoharie, a distance of nearly 12 miles from his father's residence.

The old stone church, which in the rime of war was occupied as a fort, and in which Mr. Bassler attended with the ordinances of religion, is still standing as a memorial of our fathers' struggle for liberty and their zeal for the glory of God.

In 1771, in consequence of the great distance that many were obliged to travel for the pupose of attending divine service and catechetical instructions, the congregation of Schoharie divided and a new church organized, styled the church of Beaverdam. For the spiritual advancement of this portion of the Master's vineyard, a log house of worship was immediately erected about two miles west of Mr. Bassler's residence, where the services were conducted in the German language, affording many a far more easy access to religious ordinances that they had previously enjoyed. Yet these were emphatically times of trouble. While fearing the attack of foes there was no less dread of the cruelty of enemies rising up among them. The tribes of the Lord go up to his temple for worship, bearing with the the instruments of death. The clangor of arms, and the thoughts of war and bloodshed are mingled with the sacred duties of devotions of the Sabbath. The communicant carries with him his musket, as indispensable requisites to his attendance upon the ordinances of religion. Being at any moment liable to an attack, it was necessary at all times to be in readiness for defense. But after a lapse of years, these difficulties subsided, and the hearts of the faithful were encouraged to the performance of a more vigorous service. Now this rude and ancient building is removed, and a more convenient, large, and comfortable edifice is erected in its stead. Here for many years, Mr. Bassler met and communed with the people of God.

But when in process of time this second temple grew old and dilapidated, and the village of Beaverdam on the west, and Berne on the south were increasing in population, it was deemed expedient to abandon the old church ground and erect a new house in each of the above villages. Accordingly, this project was entered upon, and both of these houses were commenced and completed in 1831. Mr. Bassler being set off, identified with the First Reformed Dutch church of Berne. In 1789 his name is enrolled as a member of the consistory, and from that time until disqualified for the active duties of life by the weight and infirmities of age, he was an active, efficient and exemplary member, and much of the time a ruling leader in the church of God. When the old church of Beaverdam was originally formed from a portion of the congregation of Schoharie in 1771, Mr. Bassler constituted one of its members. Since then, the entire body have fallen asleep. This aged father in Isreal survived them all. He was our beloved Zion is now numbered with the things that were. What a thrilling comment upon the evanescence of all sublunary objects! Life, however protracted, and years, however multiplied, must speedily be brought to a close. The time is at hand when it shall be said, - They were but are not.

Having spent a long life of activity and usefulness in the church, when he could no longer attend its councils, enter upon its public duties, of participate in its ordinances, his Bible became his constant companion. The endless future was continually before his eyes. Death was the absorbing theme of consideration, and frequently the topic of discourse. As increasing years were stealing over him, and his physical powers declining and growing more feeble and tremulous, retaining the vigor of a strong mind, he was conscious that at any moment he was liable to the Master's call. To bin in readiness for such an event was the burden of his prayer. His latter days were almost entirely occupied with the great concerns of the soul. The last sound that was heard from his room at night, and the first in the morning was the trembling voice ascending to heaven,with thanksgiving for past mercies, and supplication for grade and strength for future trials, and especially to the trying hour of his approaching dissolution.

Thus with his lamp trimmed and burning, waiting until his change should come, on the 5th ult., like a shock of corn fully ripe, he was gathered into the garner. Without a groan or a struggle, or even the moving of a muscle he sank to rest. On the Friday following, a large and respectable audience assembled at the house of mourning and after Divine service, followed him is solemn procession to the place of graves. He was interred in the burying ground of the old church of Beaverdam, but a few rods from the spot where three-quarters of a century ago stood the above rude log house of worship, in this building of which he shared and important part.

But having fought the good fight, having finished his course and kept the faith, we leave him here to slumber and mingle with his parent dust., until the trump of God shall shake the heavens, when he shall arise to receive the reward of all his labors, and enjoy the full fruition of the blessedness which their is in reservation for the dead that die in the lord.

Attached to notes by Mrs. Frank (Kate L. Bassler) Matteson, Darien, Wisconsin - 1941


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Notes by Mrs. Frank (Kate L. Bassler) Matteson, Darien, Wisconsin - 1941
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 Landmarks of Albany County, NY, Edited by Amasa J. Parker, Albany, NY
  3. Berne History Family Files

Bassler, Frederick Family