Knox Service Flag Honors Sixteen Men

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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Knox Service Flag Honors Sixteen Men

Dedication Ceremonies Held In That Village Saturday Afternoon, July 25

A service flag, honoring men from the Town of Knox serving in the United States armed forces, was dedicated at impressive ceremonies held in the village Saturday afternoon. The flag to date contains 16 service stars.

The program opened with prayer by Rev. Norman Vander Hart, pastor of Knox Reformed church. This was followed by the singing of patriotic songs in French by the three Boucher children who with their parents have just become residents of the village of Knox.

Raising of American and service flags followed by Arthur B. Hiltsley, who, as a member of the National Guard, left with his contingent and reached San Francisco, where he became ill, and was honorably discharged from service. Assisting him in the in the flag raising were Master Dickie Quay and Miss Vinehout, both of whom have brothers in the service.

The principal address was delivered by Hon. William T. Byrne, congressman, of Loudonville. Community sing followed. The closing prayer was given by Rev. Father Mates of the LaSalette Seminary, Altamont.

Band selections were rendered before the ceremonies by the Roselleville school band of 40 pieces, under the direction of Mr. Winters. There were also musical selections during the program.

The speakers were introduced by Mrs. Stanley Williams, chairman for the Town of Knox on the Albany War Council.

Arrangements were directed by the Knox War Council, which comprises Charles Pond, chairman, Mrs. Emily Westfall, Merrill K. Baker, Miss Lesley Brower, Arthur Quay, Mrs. William Wood, Omer V. Westfall, and Mrs. Stanley Williams.

Following the exercises, the band served a buffet supper at Merrymen’s Tea House, by Miss Lesley Brower, assisted by a committee including Miss Nellie Saddlemire, Mrs. Bryan Ogden, Miss May Brower, and Gordon Trotter.

On a tablet unveiled at the time of the service appear the names of the following men in service: Arthur B. Hiltsley, Stephen Shedina, Robert Cassidy, William Jansen, Nelson Gage, Jr., Henry Burman, David Dougall, Marshall Vinehout, Patric Spadaro, Joseph Spadaro, William F. Burke, Everett Cowan, Thaddeus Quay, John J. Burke, Frank Lannert and Wilson C. Newton.

Altamont Enterprise July 31, 1942

Dedicates Service Flag Honoring Town of Knox Service Men

KNOX—A service flag honoring men from the Town of Knox serving in the armed forces was dedicated at ceremonies held in that village recently. The flag contains 18 service stars for Arthur B. Hiltsley, Stephen Shedlna, Robert Cassidy, William Jansen, Nelson Gage Jr., Henry Burman, David Dougall, Marshall Vinehout, Patrick Spadaro, Joseph Spadaro, William F. Burke, Everett Cowan, Thaddeus Quay, Frank Lannert, John J. Burke, and Wilson C. Newton. The principal address was delivered by the Hon. William T. Byrne, congressman, of Loudonville Band selections were glven by the Roselleviller school band of 40 pieces.

Arrangements were directed by the Knox war council, which comprises Charles Pond, Mrs. Emily Westfall, Merrill K. Baker, Miss Lesley Brower, Arthur Quay, Mrs. William Wood, Omer V. Westfall and Mrs. Stanley Williams.

Schenectady Gazette - July 31, 1942