Williman, Jacob

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Jacob was born at about 1831 in Middleburg, Schoharie Co.

Marriage & Children

He married and raised his children in Middleburg.

Military Service

Residence: Rensselaerville
Enlistment Date: 4 February 1864
Enlistment Place:
Enlistment Rank: Private
State Served: New York
Regiment: 7th New York Heavy Artillery
Company: Company I
Promotion Date:
Promotion Rank:
Muster Out Date: 6 May 1865
Muster Out Place:
Additional Remarks: His name does not appear in the AG reports. The 1890 census indicates that the soldier was shot in the right eye.
Sources Used: 1890 Veterans Census, Ancestry Military database.



Additional Research Notes

There is no evidence that Jacob was a Hilltown soldier in the Civil War.

Additional Media
