Williamson Farm Burying Ground

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Go to Cemeteries

There are eight gravestones here without inscriptions. Oct. 31, 1936.


On the old Williamson farm now Gage farm northeast of Lee's church and about 400 feet north of the road leading to Bozen Kill hollow, on the north side of this road about 400 feet and on the west bank of a ravine a few feet west of the old red house.

Transcription of stones

  • John Williamson, died November 30, 1923 aged 75 years
  • John Williamson, died February, 1842 aged 84 years
  • Elizabeth Williamson, died September 27, 1863 aged (in 80th year) Wife of Henry Ostrander
  • Peter Williamson, died October 3, 1866 aged 68 years
  • William Williamson, died November 15, 1872 aged 77 years, 9 months, 21 days
  • Mary, wife of William Williamson, died February 17, 1875 aged 74 years, 1 month and 25 days
Transcriptions of Grave Stones in the Old William Snyder Farm Cemetery by Judge William A. Brinkman

From the records of early burial places on the farms in the town of Knox, N.Y. Compiled by WILLIAM A. BRINKMAN, HISTORIAN, Town of Guilderland, Altamont NY RD1, 1940.

Transcriptions from 1994 - Source Unknown

22. On the old. Wiliiamson farm, now the Gage farm, north- east of Lee's Church, about 400 feet north or the road leading to Bozenkill Hollow and on the west bank of a ravine a few feet west of the old red house. (Now the property of Murphy)

John Williamson, died November 30, 1923, aged 75 years

John Williamson, died February, 1842, aged 84. years

Elizabeth Williamson, wife of Henry Ostrander, died September 27, 1863, in her 80th year

Peter Williamson, died October 3, 1866, aged 68 years

Wiiiiam Williamson, died November 15, 1872, aged 77 years, 9 months, 21 days

Mary, wife of William Williamson, died February 17, 1875, aged 74 years, 1 month and 25 days

There are eight gravestones here without inscriptions. (Oct. 31, 1936)

1994 - Williamson Farm Burying Ground