Wetzel, John

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


John Weszel was born at about 1828 in Germany.

Marriage & Children

He married in Germany, Caroline _____ who was born at about 1830 in Germany. They had the following children:

  • Charles A. Wetzel, who was born in Albany County at about 1854
  • Mary Louisa Wetzel, who was born in Albany County at about 1855
  • Anna Wetzel, who was born in Albany County at about 1859 (twin)
  • Ambrose Wetzel, who was born in Albany County at about 1859 (twin)
  • John Wetzel, Jr., who was born in Albany County at about 1860
  • Louis Wetzel, who was born in Albany County at about 1863

Military Service

Residence: Westerlo
Enlistment Date: 20 Jan 1864
Enlistment Place: Albany,NY
Enlistment Rank: Private
State Served: New York
Regiment: 15th Heavy Artillery
Company: Company M
Muster Out Date: 22 Aug 1865
Muster Out Place: Washington, DC
Additional Remarks: Enlisted at age 30 years to serve three years.
Sources Used: Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, Regimental Rosters


John died on December 4, 1896.[1]


Additional Research Notes

Additional Media


  1. Civil War Pension Records @ Fold3.com