The David Reinhart House

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY

1426 Helderberg Trail

  • ~1830 David Reinhart built his farmhouse. It was before the Revolutionary war when David Reinhart’s father, Johannes, moved from Greene County to the Switzkill Valley.
  • 1854 map of Berne shows C. and D. Reinhart living near each other just east of Tabor Road. This was David Reinhart and his son, Chauncy, who now owned the Hendrick Warner farm. David’s wife was Cornelia Warner, a granddaughter of Mathias Warner who may have been the original homesteader on this lot.
  • <1860 after David Reinhart died, his son David Jr. inherited the house and continued living in the house with his widowed mother and his wife, Catherine Zeh, and his brother, Elias, and wife Christianne.
  • 20th C. - In the last century Paul Hochstrasser lived there before his parent died and he moved across the road.
  • Current owners: Ronald and Lee Ann Conner