Sturgess, Lewis W.

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Lewis W. Sturgess is the son of Earl J. Sturgess and Miss Erna I. Weatherwax. His sister was:

  • Dr. Jeanette Schoonmaker - married Dr. John B. Schoonmaker of Downs Road, Bethany, Conn.
  • Amy Schoonmaker
  • Matthew Schoonmaker
  • Daniel Schoonmaker


Lewis Sturgess was graduated from Altamont High School and the Albany College of Pharmacy, Union University, in 1953 and licensed by the state of New York in November of that year.

Military Service

In January, 1954, Lewis W. Sturgess entered the Army Medical Service and served two years in this country and abroad.

Sturgess New in Austria

U. S. Forces, Austria - Army Pfc. Lewis Sturgess, 23, whose wife, Ellen, lives at 19 McCullouch Ave., Ravena, recently recently arrived in Austria and is now a member of the 90th Medical Company.

Sturgess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Sturgess, R.D. 1 Altamont, entered the Army in January of last year. He was graduated from Albany College of Pharmacy in 1952.

Altamont Enterprise - May 27, 1955


For a time Lewis Sturgess was employed by various drug firms in the city of Albany. On September 1, 1956, he purchased the local drug business from Robert T. Kinch.

Marriage & Children

Lewis W. Sturgess married Miss Ellen Harper of Jamestown, N. Y. in August, 1954. Mrs. Sturgess is a graduate of Pittsburgh State Teachers' College and received a B. S. degree from the School of Nursing, Union University, where she met her husband. She served as school nurse at Ravena Central school for one year. Their child is:

  • Kathleen Sturgess (June 10, 1956 - )
  • Kevin Sturgess
  • Keith Allan Sturgess (September 12, 1961 - )
  • Kelley Sturgess

Announce Engagement - Miss Ellen Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albro Harper of Sinclairville, recently became engaged to Lewis W. Sturgess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sturgess, Altamont R.D. Miss Harper is a graduate of Canastota Central school and is a junior at Plattsburgh State Teachers' College, and is affiliating at Albany hospital. Mr. Sturgess is a graduate of Altamont High school and a senior at Albany College of Pharmacy

Altamont Enterprise - September 15, 1961

Announce Birth - Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sturgess of Unadilla, announce the birth of a son Keith Allan, Sept. 12, at Cooperstown. The baby weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. Mr. and Mrs. Sturgess have two other children, Kathleen and Kevin.

Altamont Enterprise - September 15, 1961



Additional Media

Lewis W. Sturgess Observes First Anniversary In Business

Editor's Note: The following is from the Unadilla Times of Sept. 16. Lewis W. Sturgess is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sturgess of Altamont, R. D.

The Times extends best wishes to Lewis W. Sturgess who this week is observing the first anniversary of his entry into business. On September 1, 1956, he purchased the local drug business from Robert T. Kinch. During his first year as proprietor of Sturgess Pharmacy he has installed all new shelving, redecorated the store and rearranged the entire stock. The store renders a valuable service to this community in furnishing a reliable prescription service and providing a source for medicines and sundries. Mr. Sturgess has been very cooperative in providing medications in emergencies during the hours when his place of business is normally closed.

He was graduated from the Albany College of Pharmacy, Union University, in 1953 and licensed by the state of New York in November of that year. For a time he was employed by various drug firms in the city of Albany. In January, 1954, he entered the Army Medical Service and served two years in this country and abroad.

In August, 1954, he married Miss Ellen Harper of Jamestown, N. Y. Mrs. Sturgess is a graduate of P i t t s burgh State Teachers' College and received a B. S. degree from the School of Nursing, Union University, where she met her husband. She served as school nurse at Ravena Central school for one year. The Sturgess family i also consists of a daughter, Kathleen, born June 10, 1956.

Mr. Sturgess' chief hobby is flying and he spends part of his leisure time I piloting rented small planes over the countryside hereabouts.

Since coming to Unadilla, Mr. and Mrs. Sturgess have made many friends throughout the community who join with the Times in extending congratulations for a successful first year in business here.

Altamont Enterprise - September 20, 1957

Flooding in Unadilla

To the Editor:

Yes, we had flood water here in Unadilla, We were on the high side of the old D&H tracks, so we were dry.

Everyone from Main Street to the river had to be evacuated. There were eight inches of river going down Main Street. All the cellars were flooded and the closer you were to the river, the deeper the water.

A friends of ours lives on the river bank and had three feet of water in his house. Every house had freezers, refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, carpets, furniture, wallboard, and insulation piled out by the street.

Our church lost everything in the basement — furnace, water heater, complete kitchen, pastor's office,' walls, rugs, furniture — everything.

And, to help things, Oneonta's sewage is in the river. Now the mosquitoes and smell are here. I take at least two showers a day and still feel dirty. Keep your feet dry and take care.

Lewis Sturgess Unadilla

Editor's note: Lewis Sturgess, who grew up in Knox, owned the Sturgess Pharmacy on Main Street in Unadilla for many years.

Altamont Enterprise - July 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sturgess of Township Road were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Sturgess, and children Kevin, Kathleen and Keith, of Unadilla t; also their son-in-law and daughter, Dr. John B. Schoonmaker and Dr. Jeanette Schoonmakert and children, Amy and Matthew, of Downs Road, Bethany, Conn. Dr. Schoonmaker has a private practice in West Haven, Conn, Lewis Sturgess operates a pharmacy in Unadilla.

Altamont Enterprise - December 1, 1967

Married 40 Years

Wednesday, May 20, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sturgess of Township Rd , Altamont, R D, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary They were guests of honor at a dinner party at the Parrott House in Schoharie, given by their son and daughter.

Those present were Mr and Mrs Lewis Sturgess, Kathleen, Kevin, Keith and Kelley Sturgess,, of Unadilla, Mr. and Mrs John Schoonmaker, Amy, Matthew and Daniel Schoonmaker, Cazenovia, and Miss Lotte Balling of Denmark, a foreign exchange student, who is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sturgess

Altamont Enterprise - June 5, 1970

Census Records

1940 United States Federal Census about Lewis Strugess[1]
Name: Lewis Strugess
[Lewis Sturgess]
[Lewis Sturgess]
Age: 8
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1932
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: New York
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Son
Home in 1940: Knox, Albany, New York
Map of Home in 1940: View map
Street: Township Road
Inferred Residence in 1935: Knox, Albany, New York
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 5A
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 1st grade
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Earl Strugess 40
Eana Strugess 32
Lewis Strugess 8
Janett Strugess 3

