Shafer, Francis

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Francis was born on March 10, 1760 in Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., NY


Marriage & Children

He married Catherine Egmont who was born on May 7, 1758 at about 1781 in the Albany County area[1]. Their known children were:

  • Mary Shafer b. November 28, 1782[1]
  • John F. Shafer b. June 26, 1786[1]
  • Francis Shafer b. February 10, 1804[1]

The names of these three children are also verified by the will of Francis Shafer.


Catherine died June 13, 1832 and was buried at the Lake Rural Cemetery in Berne. Francis died on February 12, 1836 and was buried beside her.

Francis’s Will

Additional Media

Revolutionary War Pension File for Francis Shafer


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