Schofield, Andrew

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Andrew was born in Westerlo at about 1827, a son of Thomas and Lorinda Schofield

Marriage & Children

Military Service

Residence: Westerlo
Enlistment Date: 13 Aug 1862
Enlistment Place: Troy, NY
Enlistment Rank: Private
State Served: New York
Regiment: 125th Infantry
Company: Company F
Captured on: 15 Sept 1862
Captured at: Harper's Ferry, VA
Paroled on: 17 Sept 1862
Stationed at: Parole Camp, Chicago, IL
Deserted on: 4 Oct 1862
Deserted at: Parole Camp, Chicago, IL
Additional Remarks: Enlisted at the age of 35 to serve 3 years. His regiment surrendered at Harper's Ferry and was sent to Chicago IL to a parole camp for two months awaiting a formal declaration of parole. The unit was returned to service in December of 1862.
Sources Used: military databases; Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, regimental rosters, 1865 census, Westerlo.



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