Robert's Grove, also known as Bin's Grove, Pitcher's Camp, Cocca's, Vunk's and most recently O'Hanlon's. The owners and operators were Fred and Maude Roberts
Robert's Grove at the south end of Warner's Lake, Courtesy of MaryLou Yeomans
Row Boat rentals,Courtesy of MaryLou Yeomans
Door Pass, Courtesy of MaryLou Yeomans
Camp rental ledger, Courtesy of MaryLou Yeomans
Robert's Grove, Courtesy of MaryLou Yeomans
Robert's Grove, Courtesy of MaryLou Yeomans
One of the many camps for rent in Robert's Grove, Courtesy of MaryLou Yeomans
Swimming at Robert's Grove, note the old wool bathing suits, from the Willard Osterhout collection
Looking North from the grove,from the Willard Osterhout collection
Dave O'Hanlon and friends at the bar, courtesy of Bernie Nagengast
Camp #4 in 1947
Jake Conklin Camp
Vunck's and O'Hanlon's
Now O'Hanlon's Grove
Camp Summer Rest through the years
A bill for car repairs
Jake Conklin's grandchildren
Interior of O'Hanlons, check out the prices, courtesy of Willard Osterhout
1928 phone bill for the grove,courtesy of Willard Osterhout
Tax inquiry to the town for 1930,courtesy of Willard Osterhout
Town tax bill for 1930,courtesy of Willard Osterhout
A receipt for a license fee of $5.00 from the town,courtesy of Willard Osterhout