Orlup Family Burying Ground
From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Altamont-Township Highway, turn up middle road at Township (East Township) proceed .8 mile, turn in to right at swing gate - walk to left to stone wall fence, burying ground surrounded by stone wall.
Transcription of stones
- Henry F. Orlup, born November 15, 1810 died May 30, 1884
- Evina Saddlemire, wife, born January 16, 1815 died May 10, 1907
- Elizabeth Orlup, died August 10, 1835 aged 4 years and 5 months
From the records of early burial places on the farms in the town of Guilderland, N.Y. and surrounding towns compiled by WILLIAM A. BRINKMAN, HISTORIAN, Town of Guilderland, Altamont NY RD1, 1940. Copied August 26, 1936.
Transcriptions from 1994 - Source Unknown
29. The Orlup Family Burial Ground--copied August 26, 1936. (On the north side of Middle Road about 400 feet east of Knox Cave Road)
Henry F. Orlup, born November 15, 1810, died May 30, 1884
Evina Saddlemire, wife, born January 16, 1815, died May 10, 1907
Elizabeth Orlup, died August 10, 1833, aged 4 years and 5 months