Schoein, Margarita

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
(Redirected from Margarita Schoein)


Margarita Schoein, better known as Anna Margaretha Schumann/Schumacher, was born in 1730. Anna Margaretha and husband Philip Fetterly are listed under the "Felter" family section at Margarita and Philip are also listed under "Setter" for the birth of daughter Elizabeth at Anna Margaretha's parents are unknown. But in a document published by the Pennsylvania-German Society, on p. 515, is recorded a 1755 communion record of the Augustus Evangelical Lutheran Church of Trappe, Chester County, PA. Recorded is the communion of "Schumannin, Anna Margaretha, dr. Ludewig, age 15 years."(1)

A search of led to the discovery of a letter seeking the heirs of Ludwig Schuhmann. The four heirs mentioned are: his son Peter Schuhmann, daughters: Anna Margaretha m. Philip Peter Vetter, Catharine m. Johannes Laubach, and Maria Margaretha m. Peter Muller.(2) They were to inherit "450 florins Rhenish" from the estate of their father, Ludwig Schumann.(3)

Marriage & Children

If the couple mentioned in the Augustus Evangelical Lutheran Church record are Anna Margaretha and Philip Fetterly, they were married February 19, 1750. See Philip Fetterly section for information on their children.


Anna Margaretha died in 1793. The following information was extracted from "A MEMORIAL, Records of Early Burial Places on the Farms in the Town of Guilderland, N.Y. and Surrounding Towns," Compiled by, WILLIAM A. BRINKMAN, HISTORIAN, Town of Guilderland, Altamont NY RD1, 1940.

''On the old Featherly farm, now Max Besser, about 300 foot southwest of the house across the Black Creek there were nine stones in 1914. Now none are standing. Lucinda, wife of Captain Henry V. Combs, died 1811 aged 28 years. This stone erected by her brother, Josiah Wilson. Margaret Fetterly, BOR Ano 1730 DEd Ano 1793. I.F. 1773 G B D 19 J N U. Six other field stone markers were lying about here in 1914.'' (See Philip Fetterly for I. Fetterly and other children of Anna Margaretha and Philip Fetterly.)


(1) "Proceedings and Addresses," Pennsylvania-German Society, Lancaster, PA, 1891. See Go to "View the Book" menu on left, select "Read Online." Type in "Fetter Schumannin" in text box (without the quotes). The record is in the chapter "The Trappe Records," p. 483.

(2) "The Papers of the Continental Congress, compiled 1774-1789, Letters from John Adams, 1777-88," Item No. 84, Publication No. M247, Vol. No. 5, Volume Description: July 16, 1783 - November 30, 1785, Page No. 115, Roll No. 113, NARA Catalog ID: 1938489, Record Group: 360. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

(3) See Footnote searches may require a paid membership.