March 9, 1863 - Letter from Michael Henry Barckley to his Mother

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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March 9, 1863 - Letter from Michael Henry Barckley to his Mother
March 9, 1863 - Letter from Michael Henry Barckley to his Mother

7th New York Vo. Artillery, Col. L. O. Morris

Company K

Fort Pennsylvania Mch 9th 1863

Dear Mother

Your last letter was received in due season and now hasten to answer. Enclosed with it was another letter opened. I would have been much more pleased if it had not been opened. Had it been a business letter it had better have been sent to me immediately when I could have attended to it sooner than I could after it had been opened and read + then sent to me.

Everything passes off as usual about camp.

Edd Campbell is quite sick in a hospital I shall try and get him discharged if I can as he has been sick sometime and never done much duty in the Company.

Bill Warens may get a furlough by and by if can give any good reasons for going home. But I doubt it myself.

Tell Ep??? To write to me I have not heard from him since I came back here.

All Well answer as soon a convenient.

Your Son


Note: Letter from Michael Henry Barckley to his mother. Ep is probably his brother, Edward L. Barckley.