Maps (Knox)

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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1877 tracing map of 1787 Van Rensselaer survey map showing lot numbers

1787 Survey Map

About 1785 Stephen Van Rensselaer III hired William Cockburn to make a comprehensive survey of his Helderberg wilderness in preparation for leasing the vancant land in the hills surrounding the already settled valleys. The resulting 1787 survey map shows roads, churches, mills, and streams, gives the lot number and name of each leaseholder.

1829 Map - Knox

1854 map

Beers 1866 map of Knox

Beers 1866 map Knox Closeup

Van Renssalaer Map 1877 tracing|Van Renssalaer Map 1877 tracing

Other maps

Current maps

Here is a current map from MapQuest.