Lake View Cottage

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Lake View Cottage
Lakeview Cottage 1930

  • 1906 Thompkin's Lakeview Cottage was built in 1906 for George Thompkins (1870 - 1915) on land purchased from Arthur Warner. Tompkins ran the Cottage as a boarding house, taking in people who would come up from Albany or New York City to stay two weeks or even the whole summer.
  • 1914 the cottage was sold to Dick Mattice (1872 - 1929) and his wife Lottie Roney Mattice (1873 - 1946). They had a boat house and a small dance hall partially on a pier where there was a bar that sold drinks, ice cream and candy bars. Dick died as a reslult of injuries suffered in an accident while cutting ice on the lake.
  • 1929 the Lakeview Cottage was owned by the Austin Mattice (1900 - 1958), son of Dick and Lottie Mattice, and his wife Elsie Ecker Mattice (1899 - 1955). It was operated as a boarding house during the summer months. In the event of an overflow of boarders, they were directed to the Warner homes next door.
  • 1943 the property was sold to Matthew and Pearl Schnurr of Albany. They converted it into a restaurant, enlarging the dining room and adding a bar in the front area.
  • 1950 Zwicklebaur's Hofbrau - Karl Zwicklebaur and Hilde bought the property and turned it into Zwicklebaur's, a very popular German-American restaurant by enclosing the the original porch thus adding on the big dining room with a bar.
  • 1976 the property was transferred to Reinhold and Adelheid Scholz and was operated as Scholz Hofbrawu.
  • owned by John Pleat from Albany.
  • 1996 Reinhold transferred the property to his children, Mandy and Reinhold Jr.
  • 2010 - The Hofbrau Restaurant. There are a couple of apartments in use on the upper floors.

Source: Life at the Lake; Warner's Lake, N. Y., published by The Warner's Lake Improvement Association, and edited by Willard Osterhout. The book has much more information and many more pictures.