Knox Cave article September 7, 1934

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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Knox Cave article September 7, 1934 Knox Cave Notes

Knox Cave Notes

The Knox Cave baseball team defeated East Cobleskill on Friday afternoon at the Dairyman's League meeting at White Sulphur Springs, by a close score. Sunday, the local club defeated the Savage Blue Sox by a big margin and won from the Eagle A. C. Monday night.

September 9, a game is scheduled with Central Bridge.

Several soft ball games were held on the Knox Cave field duing the past week. It is planned that regular games will be provided next season.

An increase in interest in the caverns has been shown since Mr. Byhers discovered the marks believed to be an ancient inscription. THe interest is wide spred, but authorities have not yet passed an opinion.

The cavern is to be kept open from 11 a. m. to 6 p, m, for the month of September, D. C. Robinson has announced. It is expected that Knox Cave will be closed about October 1 for the year.

Mr. Robinson is planning to offer for sale souvenir formations taken from the cave, the funds to be used for relief work in the Knox Cave section. Specimens would be dug from the debris on the floor, with no loss to the natural beauty of the caverns.

Altamont Enterprise September 7, 1934