Knox Cave article March 3, 1933

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Go to Knox Cave Early articles 1933 - 1960

Old Knox Cave Found To Contain Large Chambers

A cave a mile long and possessing chambers said to equal those of Howe Caverns has been located and explored on the farm of Burdell J. Truax. The exploration party apparently was not the first to enter but is believed to have been the first to penetrate so far and thoroughly. Relics of a former exploration believed to have been made in 1879 were found and brought out. Further excursions underground are planned in the near future.

The Truax party comprised Mr. Truax, his brother, Marvin W., Cleon Powell, Robert Cromie of Schenectady and D. C. Robinson of Esperance. The party made two trips, the first time spending four hours underground and the second time three hours. They estimated the distance traveled as a mile and believe it will be increased on future trips.

The mouth of the cave was located near the bottom of a 60-foot ravine and almost completely hidden by underbrush and snowdrifts. After penetrating a. short distance they encountered a 33-foot drop and were obliged to construct a ladder to negotiate it. A second drop of 27 feet was made by use of ropes and a third of 12 feet was descended by climbing. Sloping floors took them further downward to 200 feet below the earth's level.

Dozens of small side passages and chambers were found and explored. The largest chamber found measured about 40 feet square with a hundred foot ceiling. A narrow lake with waist-deep water was encountered. The sides and ceilings hung with stalactites and stalagmites.

That the cave had been entered before was indicated by fragments of rotted ropes, pieces of a ladder, and pine torches. These relics are believed to have been left by the exploration party of Prof. Sias of Schoharie in 1879.

The Truax party was equipped with electric flashlights and lanterns and spent much time exploring side passages, as well as the main passage. A thorough exploration will be made when weather conditions permit.

Altamont Enterprise March 3, 1933
