Knox Cave article July 18,1941

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Go to Knox Cave Early articles 1933 - 1960
Knox Cave Dance advertisement- Altamont Enterprise - Friday, July 18, 1941

Knox Cave Dance?

"If enough people send post card orders for tickets in advance, a dance will be held. These are the conditions: Tickets at 20c each in lots of five or more. It is intended that buyer plan his, or her, own square as a party and guests. Please select those who can have a good time without liquor.

"Send no money now. If the dance can be arranged, the tickets for which you ask will be mailed, and you may pay for them when you come to the dance, or before.

"You may roller skate from 4 P. M. until 9:30, and dance until 1 A. M., all for the 20c. Prizes may be given if attendance is large enough. At least 200 tickets must be pledged by advance sale if you want these dances. If you like them you may have them every Saturday night, providing you make them a success. Thankyou.

"The Caverns may be seen from 10 A M to 10 P. M. The 20c admission is still in effect. No guide; rights reserved. A large number of people are seeing the Caverns. Some have made over five trips this year to show it to friends. A few have seen it, then gone for friends and made two trips the same day.


Altamont Enterprise Friday, July 18, 1941