Knox Cave article January 12, 1970

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY

Boy, Stuck In Cave, Keeps 18 Trapped 7 Hrs.

ALBANY, N Y. (AP) — A young cave explorer caught his leg in a narrow passageway of a nearby cave Sunday, trapping himself and 18 other members of his Massachusetts club for nearly seven hours.

Police said Peter Vines, 14, of Springfield, Mass., suffered minor leg injuries and all the spelunkers were freed from the cave.

They were among 31 cave explorers from Massachusetts on an outing in Knox Cave, in the Town of Knox, west of here.

Other members of the group became stuck in an l8-inch passageway, police said, but their efforts failed and rescue squads were called in.

THE PALLADIUM TIMES Mon. Jan. 12, 1970
