Knox Cave article August 11, 1933

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Go to Knox Cave Early articles 1933 - 1960
Knox Cave article Altamont Enterprise - August 11, 1933


Nearly one thousand farmers, representing the milk producers of Albany, Schenectady and Schoharie counties, gathered at Knox cave field Wednesday night and unanimously voted to join the strike and withhold their milk until a satisfactory price had been secured. The meeting was the largest ever held in this section.

Not one voice was raised in opposition to the plan. Practically every producer present signed an agreement to withhold his milk. The new price asked was set at 45 per cent of the consumer's dollar. Judging by the reported decrease in the quantity gathered yesterday for city distributors, the farmers are sticking to their agreement. Trucks of Benjamin Schaible and Walter Armstrong made their trips under guard but collected only a small proportion of the usual loads.

While the three counties of this vicinity were very largely represented, the meeting was supposedly one for Albany county farmers, but the urge to unite in the common cause stimulated scores living along the county border lines to cross over and support their neighbors. Strike leaders point to this as assurance of the plan's success.

Recent violence was deplored by speakers who urged that it be prevented in the future by the farmers uniting solidly in withholding their milk. The vote to withhold the product was passed without a single dissenting voice or ballot.

While the atmosphere was one of tense determination to fight it out, the meeting did not escape the picturesque. Cars of all types came from all directions. Continuous clouds of dust rose from the numerous highways, and disappeared in the night air. From many counties, and from many towns, people came to this openair meeting of the Albany county dairymen. People assembling about the speaker's box were discussing the milk question. They were comparing milk check stubs, discussing the situation, and were expressing their willingness of joining the big milk strike move.

Music came into the air. A Knox Cave orchestra was furnishing. Several a big applause arose from the crowd. Finally the meeting was called to order, and turned over to the chairman.

Altamont Enterprise - August 11, 1933