Knox - Cassidy Castle - YWCA to Open Camp

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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Plan for Camp Opening

Young Women’s Summer Camp Will Open Memorial Day – Miss Mary A. Dingman Will Again be in Charge

Tentative plans are being made by the New York State Young Women's Christian Association for the opening of the camp which they maintain at Altamont.

The Y. W. C. A. camp is located at what is known as "The Castle," right at the foot hills of the Helderbergs. This was formerly used as a camp for working girls of the city and was conducted by Mrs. Harriet Kibbee Christie and Miss Lucy Jones, who ran it most successfully for years. A few years ago the camp was placed under the control of the New York State Y. W. C. A. and is run by them through their north-eastern field committee chairman, Miss Mary A. Dingman. The girls from the cities go out during the summer as their vacation time comes, or go out for the week-end. The prices are most reasonable.

The girls are allowed to entertain their families for the week-end, and as for recreation there are always walks to Indian Ladder, three miles distant, and High Point, overlooking the Hudson and Mohawk valleys, fine roads for motoring or driving, while marshmallow roasts at camp fires are the chief sport during the evenings. This year the Albany Y. W. C. A. is planning to have their high school council meet at the camp. Here, too, the industrial committee of the Y. W. C. A. will have their annual convention.

The members of the Albany association who are fond of walking are making plans to go out to the camp for Decoration Day. The camp will open on that day for the remainder of the season. During their stay, the uniform of the girls are middie blouses and bloomers, and right handy are they for the hikes through the woods, and the running races and other sports which the campers indulge in.

Religious services are held at the camp on Sundays, various clergymen from the city going out to deliver the sermons.

Altamont Enterprise- May 25, 1917