Knox - Cassidy Castle - YWCA Camp to Open May 29
Altamont Summer Camp Will Open On May 29
Popular Outdoor Camp for Girls Located At Old Cassidy Castle, In Helderberg Mountains – Miss Jeanie Cole Will be in Charge
The Altamont summer camp for girls opens this year on May 29, and the camp will as in former years be located at and around the old Cassidy castle, in the Helderbergs above this village.
The girls from all over the state come to this camp each year for their vacations. The camp is run under the direction of the Y. W. C. A. and was originally started by Mrs. Harriet Kibbee Christie at Albany, but since its organization has become widely known throughout the state.
“No trunks allowed." That's the first rule of the camp. Altamont is not a "dress-up" place. It's just a wonderful spot near to nature where the sun shines and skies are blue and the green grass is greener than anywhere else. At least, that's what the girls who love the camp think. And some of them have trudged up those long trails many times now. This is one of the outdoor camps run by the National Y. W. C. A. for girls. It is A place for recreation; and that's just one of the things that the Y. W. C. A. camps are trying to do—make over tired girls who need summer recreation and outdoor life. Altamont is only one of a string of like places. There is Makonikey in New York state and over in Connecticut near Hartford there is Wengum Lodge.
Miss Jennie Cole is camp director for the states of New England, New York and New Jersey, and sitting at her big desk at the headquarters building of the National Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington avenue, New York city, she plans day after day how camps may be run to make them ideal for girls and summer outings. Hikes in the mountains, picnics, straw Rides, tennis, baseball, swimming in the pool, nature study and other activities are enjoyed under the direction of a trained recreation leader. Many girls bring stringed instruments with them and the evenings are musical and enjoyed informally. Board, room and every comfort is furnished at a minimum cost so that a short time at the camp is within the reach, financially, if all business women regardless of the size of their weekly pay envelopes.
During the summer two council meetings will convene there. The first will be for industrial extension club members, June 29 July 13. The second will be for high school girls in New England, New York and New Jersey. Among the comforts that girls are advised to take to camp with them are a warm wrap, tennis shoes, a pair of rubbers, middy blouses, bathing suits, two sheets, two pillow slips, bloomers and an extra blanket or steamer rug.
- Altamont Enterprise - May 18, 1918
Altamont Summer Camp Will Open On May 29 - Altamont Enterprise - May 18, 1918