Knox - Cassidy Castle - Salvation Army Buys Camp

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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Salvation Army Buys The Young Women's Camp

The Young women's camp in the Helderbergs overlooking Altamont, owned by the Young Women's Bible school, has been purchased by the Salvation Army. They announce that as soon as weather permits the camp will be cleared and the buildings put in order.

The Salvation Army has for many years used camps and summer homes for the benefit of the unprivileged boys and girls and also some of their mothers. In many parts of the country the Salvation Army owns camps for this purpose, but up to last year it was necessary for the Eastern New York division to rent a camp in this part of New York state.

The organization learned of the property at Altamont, formerly used as a camp for young women, and through the sale of a smaller camp on the St. Lawrence river they were able to secure the property here.

During the months of July and August, it will be used for the Boys' Scout and Girl Guard movement in Connection with the Salvation Army branches in the capital district and for poor children and their mothers.

Altamont Enterprise March 22, 1929