Knox - Cassidy Castle - Girl Injured on Way Home
Girl Injured in Altamont
—Miss Gertrude Peet, a young lady returning to her home in New Jersey from spending a time at the Young Women's Summer Camp, received severe injuries at the depot Saturday morning. She was one of a party that was brought to the depot by one of Whipple's livery rigs and while some were being assisted from the wagon, she alighted unassisted and in stepping on the platform lost her balance, falling in such a manner as to break her arm and receive severe injuries to her hip. She was removed to the Commercial Hotel and medical aid summoned and later taken to the Albany City Hospital in one of Whipple's autos where she is now convalescing. A letter received by Mr. Whipple expresses her appreciation of the kindness of strangers shown her in her misfortune.
- Altamont Enterprise - September 5, 1912
Girl Injured in Altamont - Altamont Enterprise - September 5, 1912