Knox - Cassidy Castle - Appeal for Donations

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Back to Cassidy Castle

Nine years ago there came into the hearts of a few Albany people the wish that there might be a place near that city where a girl with a small income could spend a wholesome, happy holiday.

The wish was the outcome of two earnest desires: First, that girls and young women might learn to know their Saviour, Jesus Christ. Second, to help bring relief to the girl upon whom care and sickness or business pressure are early laid.

One year later a few young women went up to the summit of the Helderberg mountains, about eighteen miles from Albany, at the head of the beautiful Indian Ladder gorge, and there opened one-half of a farm house as a Summer Holiday Camp to which fifty six responded.

>Since then the Camp, with the exception of the three summers spent at Catskill-on-the-Hudson, has been located in the Helderbergs at the place known as "The Castle." Over two thousand five hundred guests have been entertained and $17,892 has been expended, of which $6,092.55 has been the gift of friends. The real work for which the Camp was started cannot be expressed in figures. Many have open-heartedly accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Many have seen a better and more earnest vision of life and have followed it. A few have been called out to missionary service at home and in foreign lands.

Through the nine summers the realization has constantly grown and strengthened that there is a need among girls, which the Camp helps to meet, and as the place that has been rented for the past five years has proved inadequate for the work and needed repairs, it was decided to purchase, as the location was desirable and the building's could be made to meet all ordinary requirements. Accordingly the property has been purchased and steps are being taken for making needed repairs and furnishings. In doing this they make the following appeal to aid them in their work:

"We come to you with this appeal for girls and young women. We ask you, dear friends, who are interested in the welfare, the health and the Christian development of young womanhood, for your prayers, your sympathy and your help. Will you not give it?"

Subscriptions and gifts may be sent to any member of the committee, viz: Mrs. Harriet Kibbee Christie, 8 First St., Albany; Miss Lucy E. Jones, 32 Elk St., Albany; Mrs. Althea A. Kirk, Albany; Mrs. John W. McNamara, 74 Willett St., Albany.

Make checks payable to Young Women's Summer Camp, Miss Lucy E. Jones, treasurer.

Altamont Enterprise - July 7, 1907