Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Patroon Land Farm had a successful season

Weinheimer tells Kiwanis Patroon Land Farm had a successful season
Patroon Land Farm had a successful season
To the Editor:
At its regular Wednesday evening meeting at the Highlands, the members of Hilltown Kiwanis heard from Mark Weinheimer, farm manager of the Patroon Land Farm in the Hilltowns.
Mr. Weinheimer brought the club up to date on the activities at the farm during the last year. A fence to keep out the deer has been completed and surrounds the farm's 28 acres and a new barn has been built.
During the coming spring, they hope to have a greenhouse completed, which will allow for seed starting to get an early jump on planting.
This summer was a particularly successful growing season for the vast array of vegetables they produce. For example, 50,000 pounds of tomatoes, 12,000 pounds of summer squash, and 40,000 pounds of potatoes were shipped to the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York.
The farm also raises such vegetables as lettuce, spinach, beets, cabbage, peppers, and carrots to name just a few.
For further information, Mr. Weinheimer may be contacted at
The Kiwanis Club of the Hilltowns is actively involved in a number of different projects to help the community, its children, and its schools. We are always happy to meet and greet potential new members and hope you will join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
Raymond Lauenstein
For Hilltown Kiwanis
Altamont Enterprise - November 25, 2010