Kiwanis Club of the Helderberg Gallery of Photos
From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs ]]Activities Year 1980 - 1989
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1989 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs' first female president, Zenie Gladieux, is installed.
Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs ]]Activities Year 1990 - 1999
Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs ]]Activities Year 2000 - Present
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2000 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Bowl-A-Thon - Club members solicit support from family and friends to raise funds to support the Club’s charitable activities. Beverly Filkins and Rudolph Stempel, above, are active participants. - 2001HelderbergKiwanisRoadCleanUp.jpg
2001 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Green-Up, Roadside Beautification: The Club cleans 2 highways and plants flowers with help from Mae Flowers of Knox. Workers shown are Jeff Mason holding Stephanie Mason, George and Jan Van Etten, unknown, and Lewis Buckman. - 2002HelderbergKiwanisMemorialDay.jpg
2002 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Memorial Day Parade - Daniel Driscoll at the podium in Berne, NY. - 2002HelderbergKiwanisFreshAirPicnic.jpg
2002 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Fresh Air Picnic: The Club organizes a picnic for visiting Fresh Air Fund children and their host families. There’s food (Martin Herzon is shown here as cook), games, and free pony rides and petting zoo, thanks to Sue Mason. - 2004HelderbergKiwanisGardenCleanUp.jpg
2004 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Garden Clean Up - Helping to plant flowers at the Route 156 triangle are Daniel Driscoll, center, and Amy Pokorny, right. - 2005HelderbergKiwanisSeniorCenter.jpg
2005 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Senior Project: As part of the HCRC Christmas Project, a mailing is sent to needy seniors, and club members use their requests to “shop” at the HCRC Christmas Store. We deliver, too! Zenie Gladieux and Debra Vadalabene sort clothes for Seniors. - 2008HelderbergKiwanis Green Up Day.jpg
2008 Green Up Day - Each year the Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs cleans part of Route 156. Pictured here are Russ Pokorny, Bev White-Adams, Amy Pokorny, Debra Vadalabene, and Martin Herzog. - 2008HelderbergKiwanisSenior Project.jpg
2008 Senior Project - Homer Warner and Russ Pokorny sort through donations at the Senior Center in Berne as they assemble Christmas gifts for needy local seniors. - 2008HelderbergKiwanisSchoolSupplies.jpg
2008 Back-to-School! Club members gave 14 children back-packs full of school supplies and new sneakers. Participants included Homer Warner, Janice Van Etten, Zenith Gladieux, Pauline Williman, Dainiel Driscoll, Claudia Anderson, Anna Wolfe, Lewis Buckman, John Elberfeld, and Martin Herzog (left to right above). - 2009HelderbergKiwanis 35 year awards.jpg
2009 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs 35 year awards - Receiving the awards from left to right are Homer Warner, Dainiel Driscoll, and Beverly Filkins. - 2010HelderbergKiwanisMemorialDaySetup.jpg
2010 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Memorial Day Parade - The club organizes the parade in Berne each year. Seated members resting after erecting the stage are John Elberfeld, Raymond Lauenstein, and Pauline Williman. Standing is member Michael Hammond, a guest, and his wife, Lee. - 2010HelderbergKiwanisMemorialDayFloat.jpg
2010 Kiwanis Club of the Helderbergs Memorial Day Parade - 50th Anniversary Float in line for the parade