Kilbourn, Eliphaz

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Eliphaz Kilbourn was born on November 13, 1758.


He entered the service in April of 1776 in Canaan, New Hampshire where he then resided. He was a Private and served in Captain Wheterly’s Company.
The company immediately went to Ticonderoga in New York and was there for a short time before going to Mount Independence near Ticonderoga for the entire Summer.
At about the first week of September he was taken sick, was discharged and he returned home to New Hampshire.
The following Winter he removed to the town of Tolland in Connecticut and about the first of April of 1777, he was drafted to go to New London in that state and served under Col. Chapman. After that, he enlisted in Col. Ely’s Regiment as a Private. He was ordered to Rhode Island and then ordered back to Fort Griswold. He was discharged and again, in 1780, enlisted again as a Private in Col. Terhume’s Regiment at Colchester, Connecticut.
He was discharged and again enlisted at Peekskill and served at Stoney Point. He witnessed the execution of Major Andre, he saw him hung. He later performed garrison duty at Rhode Island and was then marched to a place near Horseneck where he stayed until about January 1, 1778 when he was again discharged.

Marriage & Children

On January 10, 1788 he married Polly Mackey who was born on February 16, 1766 and who is believed to have been the daughter of Alexander Mackey and Thankful Tuthill. She was a sister to both Alexander and Benjamin Mackey. They had the following children:

  • Theodosia Kilbourn was born on November 29, 1788
  • Hannah Kilbourn was born on October 25, 1790
  • Amanda Kilbourn was born September 30, 1792
  • Sally Kilbourn was born on October 23, 1794
  • Asa Kilbourn was born August 24, 1796, died April 21, 1821
  • Alexander M. Kilbourn was born February 14, 1799, died May 14, 1821
  • Polly Kilbourn was born December 22, 1801, married ____ Bacon and died on February 9, 1821


Eliphaz died on June 28, 1841 at Rensselaerville. Polly died on April 20, 1849. Both were buried at Brookside Cemetery in Preston Hollow.[1]


Additional Media

Eliphaz Kilbourn and Polly Mackey Kilbourn Revolutionary War and Widow’s pension file


  1. Brookside Cemetery, Preston Hollow, recorded by Ann Hanford and her husband.