Kaley, Louise

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Louise Kaley was born about 1841 in Princetown, Albany County, NY, the daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Kaley.

Marriage & Children

Louise Kaley married Melvin Beebe August 17, 1857[1]. Their child was:


Louise Kaley Beebe died April 11, 1903 in Altamont, NY



Under existing circumstances I do not see how I can withold my hand from writing a few lines in memory of a friend to myself, made doubly so from the fact of unvarying affection fo a departed one as dear as life to me. Mrs. Beebe was a frequent caller at my residence duing the invalidism of my wife and by her mild and cheerful manner and converstation left her in a more cheerful and happier state of mind.

Mrs. Beebe was a decided and happy christian; a kind and faithful wife and mother and grandmother, and the little grandchildren will sadly miss grandma's kind ministrations and care. But why try to describe her character and life when it is most truly and graphically described by a vastly wiser pen ages past, for which I refer the reader to Proverbs 81, 10 to 81, both inclusive.

The deceased was born in the neighboring town of Princetown about 61 years ago and was a daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Kaley. At the early age of fifteen years she united with the Reformed church of Princetown and subsequently with the Reformed church of the the Helderburg, after her marriage to Mr. Beebe, which occurred August 17, 1857. She was buried at Fairview Cemetery, April 14, 1903. Peace to her ashes.


BEEBE - At Altamont, APril 11, 1903, Louisa Kaley, wife of Melvin Beebe, aged 61 years.

Card of Thanks - Melvin Beebe and family desire to express their heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted them in this their sad bereavement.Altamont Enterprise April 17, 1903

Mrs. Melvin Beebe died on April 11 (1903) in her 62nd year. She was born in the Town of Princetown and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kaley. She was a member of the Reformed church.

Altamont Enterprise April 13, 1923

Additional Media


  1. her obituary