June 8, 1864 - Letter from Michael Henry Barckley to his Father

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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June 8, 1864 - Letter from Michael Henry Barckley to his Father
June 8, 1864 - Letter from Michael Henry Barckley to his Father

The U. S. Christian Commission

Sends this as the soldier’s messenger to his home.

Let it hasten to those who wait for tidings.

“God is Love.”

White House Landing Hospital

June 8th, 1864

Dear Father –

As you have undoubtedly heard long before you will receive this that I am wounded and as the reports may not be favorable I thought I would let you know what the circumstances of the case were – Our Battalion of the 7th had just moved which being perceived by the Rebels the opened once with shell. The did not injure many. I am quite badly wounded so much so that my leg has been amputated above the knee.

Am now as comfortable as can be expected. Expect to move from here every hour so do not come after me till you hear from me again. Will let you know where my next resting place is as soon as I get to it.

Do not be alarmed for I am getting along first rate.

Your Son


Note: Sent from Michael Henry Barckley to his father, Henry Barckley.