June 25, 1864 - Letter from mother to husband

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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Knox - Barckley - June 25, 1864 - Letter from mother to husband
Knox - Barckley - June 25, 1864 - Letter from mother to husband

June 25, 1864

Letter from Magdalene Livingston Barckley to her husband, Henry Barckley

Sent from Carver U. S. General Hospital in Washington, DC, describing Michael Henry Barckley’s condition and her experiences at the hospital

Carver Hospital

June 25

Dear Husband,

I should have written you yesterday but Jane (Lane?) came for me and went with her. Mike is adoing well as can be. I went to see Elias Hane yesterday. he said he was adoing well as could be expected. his limb was adoing quite well. he had a swelling on his shoulder wich the doctor said was rheumatism which pained him a good deal. he looked quite well had not grown thin at all as Mike has. he is in a very nice hospital very clean. says he has good attendance. it looks just as nice there as when you go to the Shaker just as clean. it is some distance from here or I should go to see him oftener but will go to see him two or three times a week. we are some three miles apart. Capt Anabel came here day before yesterday on his way home wounded very slightly in the right arm. He told but a sad account of the boys. they are all taken prisoners but Sturgess. Hanky Alen, John Cannull was killed. Mike has first rate living here. chicken every day and everything that good and nourishing. I do not fare quite so well, but still it is good. sleept good last night with Jane (Lane?). Sid is gone to City Point. i set up for three nights runing before. it does not agree with George to set up. it agrees with him better to go to the city and enjoy himself. I think I could get along without him know but he seems to enjoy himself very well here.

There has still been no rain here. it is very ??? and dry here

Send me a pair of cotton gloves in a letter as it will be cheaper for you to send them than it will be for me to get them here. They are worth two and three strilling? (sterling?) here. I left mine in New Jersey when I came. we think a great deal of home here. hope you are ageting along well

Yours Sincerely


People and Places Mentioned in the June 25, 1864 Letter

Carver General Hospital was located on Meridian Hill near Columbian College General Hospital in wooden barracks, formerly Carver Barracks for the 102nd New York Volunteers. This hospital opened in April 1862 and closed in August 1865, sending its patients to Stanton General Hospital in July. Within the campus, the Columbian College and Carver general hospitals were established. Carver had 1,300 beds and Columbian College 844. During the war these hospitals were visited by President Lincoln. Walt Whitman also devoted time to the patients at Carver Hospital.

Elias Hanes was in Company K with Barckley. Hanes was born in Knox. He was wounded June 8, 1864 at Cold Harbor and his leg was amputated the same day. He died July 10, 1864 in Washington, DC.

Captain Samuel L. Anable was born in Westerlo and commanded Company K, where Barckley was a First Lieutenant. He was wounded in the shoulder on June 16, 1864.

Charles E. Sturgess was in Company K with Barckley. He was born in Knox and was captured after this letter was written on July 30, 1864.

Henry H. Allen was in Company K with Barckley. He was born in Knox and was killed in action at Petersburg on June 19, 1864, six days before this letter was written.

John H. Cannull was in Company K with Barckley. He was born in Berne and killed at Petersburg on June 16, 1864, nine days before this letter was written.

Jane is probably Jane Ann Johnson, a half-sister to Michael’s father.

George is probably George Young Johnson, a half-brother to Michael’s father.

City Point was a town in Prince George County, Virginia that served as headquarters of the Union Army during the Siege of Petersburg during the American Civil War. During the American Civil War, City Point was the headquarters of General Ulysses S. Grant during the Siege of Petersburg in 1864 and 1865. To serve the Union army, two huge military installations were built—a supply depot and the Depot Field Hospital. During that siege, City Point was one of the busiest ports in the world.