June 15, 1864 - Letter from Johnson to his brother

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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Knox - Barckley - June 15, 1864 - Letter from Johnson to his brother
Knox - Barckley - June 15, 1864 - Letter from Johnson to his brother

June 15, 1864

Letter from George Young Johnson to his brother, Henry Barckley, the Father of Michael Henry Barckley

Carver U. S. General Hospital

Washington, D. C., June 15, 1864

Dear Brother,

All is as well as can be expected – Michael does not look badly for one who has endured so much – He is sociable and cheerful. He said he feared the telegram would startle us – but that it would not have been sent – had he not have been told on his way up from the field – that he would have but a few days to stay. Jane has been to see him three different days – His leg –the right – is off above the knee – I asked him what I should write home. He said, “tell them I am as well as can be expected.” He was wounded on Saturday – amputation performed (I think he said) three or four days afterward.

He seems comfortably and says he has no pain none of which he complains.

We got here half past seven. Staid in N. York from eleven o clock till eight before we could get a car. I talked with the Dr. concerning his case. He says he is doing well.

In hast (haste?) your Brother

G. Y. Johnson

People and Places Mentioned in the June 15, 1864 Letter

Carver General Hospital was located on Meridian Hill near Columbian College General Hospital in wooden barracks, formerly Carver Barracks for the 102nd New York Volunteers. This hospital opened in April 1862 and closed in August 1865, sending its patients to Stanton General Hospital in July. Within the campus, the Columbian College and Carver general hospitals were established. Carver had 1,300 beds and Columbian College 844. During the war these hospitals were visited by President Lincoln. Walt Whitman also devoted time to the patients at Carver Hospital.

Evert, son of Michael Barckley, was born in Guilderland about 1785, died there in 1816. He was a farmer and a member of the Reformed church. He married Gertrude Waldron, born April 27, 1793, died March 28, 1864. Children: Henry, of whom further; Henrietta, born 1814, died unmarried at the age of sixty-seven years. Gertrude survived her husband and married (second) Dr. Jonathan Johnson, an early practitioner of Guilderland. By her second husband she had children : Adeline, born 1818, died unmarried ; George Young, born 1820, married Mrs. Ella Corbett, now of Binghamton, New York; Elizabeth, born 1822, unmarried; Jane Ann, born 1824, unmarried.

This letter is most probably from George Young Johnson to Henry Barckley, George's half-brother and the father of Michael. The Jane mentioned in the letter is probably Jane Ann Johnson, the sister of George and half-sister to Henry.