July 6, 1864 - Record of Death and Interment

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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Knox - Barckley - Record of Death and Interment - July 6, 1864

No. 1


Name and number of person interred: Michael H. Barcley

Number and locality of grave

Hospital number of the deceased. Ward 79"

Regiment, rank, and company. 1" Lieut. Co. K 7" N. Y. Art.

Residence before enlistment.

Conjugal condition, (and if married, the residence of the widow). Single, Father Henry Barcley, Albany Co. N. Y.

Cause of death. Exhaustion, result of amputation of right thigh.

Age of the deceased. 23" (more unreadable text)

Nativity. American

References and remarks.

Date of death and burial. July 6, 9" 30" P. M. 1864 Body taken by Mother July 7" 4 pm

Duplicates sent to the Adjutant General of the United States Army, and to the Sexton of the Cemetery. (more unreadable text) July 9

Memoranda: No Effects